Tatyana Ustinova diet: "Have a nice man should be a lot"


Tatyana Ustinova diet:
"A good person should be a lot" - a famous writer, Tatyana Ustinova, disagreering more with this statement. Once she weighed 189 kilograms. And now about 90. The difference is approximately 100.

Thatiana decided to lose weight because of the health problems began.

Someone takes its excess weight from aesthetic point of view, but no one can justify it with physiological. It always negatively affects the vital activity of the body.

Realizing that the health of the rods, Tatiana began to treat. Mandatory condition for recovery was: Weight stabilization. We must give Ustinova due, it came to the process of dropping extra kilograms reasonably.

Tatyana Ustinova diet:

Tatyana Ustinova 2019.

Ustinova lost weight for a long time, throwing away all sorts of diets, but efficiently. Understanding well that the diet gives a short-term result.

After any diet, the weight returns back, because the person returns to the former food habits. Therefore, to stabilize the weight, the first thing you need to change the habit, and forever.

Tatyana Ustinova diet:

"About the" breaking "," breakdowns ", dreams about Hamburger and Potatoes to tell me decisively nothing. I was not starving and not starving ... the volume of the eaten was declined - very, very much! But they declined very much, very slowly. So, so that I eaten a shebly of the roasted kebabs yesterday, and from today it became fifty grams of crack graves, there was no. If my weight would not go anywhere if it were not for medical strategies, "says Ustinov.

Tatyana Ustinova diet:

"The volumes are reduced so. Today I eat a plate of soup. And tomorrow we are a plate of soup, but it is nalito smoothly on one spoon less. Indeed one, it's not a joke. And now I eat this plate without one spoon. Next month, I continue to eat the same plate without one spoon. Etc. No one hurries anywhere. It is not "lose weight to the beach season!" Now I'm going around with a soup's top - I'm used to. " Ustinova diet is proper nutrition.

Rules of proper nutrition:

Reduce portions. No need to stretch the stomach. Let him fit no more than a liter. Don't make big breaks between meals. 3-4 - an hour optimal time.

It is not immediately before the departure to sleep. You can drink a glass of warm milk or kefir.

Do not fry food so that carcinogens are not produced in it. It is better to knock, bake in the sleeve, grilled.

Tatyana Ustinova diet:

Rebuild baking and all sorts of gingerbread and chocolate, they raise the glycemic index. There are more useful substitutes for these products: honey, shops on sale candies from dried fruits, fruit.

Meat and fish choose non-fat varieties. Animal fat gradually sits the pancreas and liver. Replace spices.

Every day you include various vegetables in the menu.

Add different vegetable oils and nuts to the diet, if there were no.

Drink 1.5 liters of water per day in breaks between food. It is easy enough to do: 2 glasses in the morning, and throughout the day wearing a liter plastic bottle with you, devastating it.

Tatyana Ustinova diet:

Sport health is not a hindrance. But Tatyana Ustinova goes without him. Instead of sport, it leads physically active lifestyle: "I think you need to be joyful - if possible - to live. Go to the aunt in the village, catch in the skunk river, go for mushrooms, to escape, and it will be a holiday! And the ear, and the heat, and the steam room - and certainly to jump from the walkways! I like it sometimes for the bike to ride before the cottage. Skiing in the winter to go - so that the wind is cold and good. The cheeks are treed, Lob Lomit, dogs cheerfully run - this is happiness. Return at dusk, and at home warm and dinner on the way! "

Tatyana Ustinova diet:

Ustinova is striving for health, not hoodob. She believes that I don't need Huddoba, because it is not a model, but a writer.

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