The best ice cream ideas


The best ice cream ideas

1. First basic recipe


- 3 eggs

- 70 gr. Sugar (can be less)

- 300 ml. 30% cream


1. Separate squirrels from yolks.

2. In a separate container, we take the squirrels with a pinch of salt.

3. Separately sweat yolks with sugar.

4. Separately sweat cream.

5. Mix cream, yolks, gently add proteins. Optionally, add fillers to the mixture.

6. Put in the freezer and in the process of freezing, mix 2-3 times so that the ice is not formed. Delicious creamy homemade ice cream will be prepared in 5-6 hours.

The best ice cream ideas

2. Second basic recipe


- 1 liter 32-35% cream

- 40 gr. Sahara

- 1 tsp. Vanilla sugar

- 1 bank of condensed milk

- 1 tbsp of instant gelatin

Choose high-quality condensed milk, it should include only milk and sugar, no vegetable oils, etc.


1. Soak gelatin for swelling in a small amount of water.

2. All other ingredients mix and beat, about 2 minutes.

3. Melt the gelatin, without bringing it to a boil, then pour into the mixture with a thin flowing.

4. Now it is necessary to continue to beat the mixture, after about 1 minute its volume should increase twice. It is very important not to reversing the cream, otherwise the ice cream will get fat.

5. Put in the freezer. Soft, velvet, creamy homemade ice cream will be prepared in 5-6 hours.

The best ice cream ideas

3. Hospital ice cream


- 100 gr. Dark chocolate

- 3 tbsp of sugar

- 1/2 cup of milk

- Cream 33-35% - 300 grams


Heat the milk with sugar, add broken chocolate, stirred to the full dissolution. Then the mixture is cool. Beat chilled cream and mix them with a chocolate mixture. Put in the freezer for several hours. You can mix ice cream after 2-3 hours so that the ice cream is not formed. It turns out a soft homemade chocolate ice cream.

The best ice cream ideas

4.Limon ice cream

Very popular and simple ice cream recipe. It turns out soft cream ice cream with pleasant sourness.


- 500 ml of cream 33-35%

- 1 bank condensed milk

- 1 lemon


1. From lemon to squeeze juice (about 50 ml is needed).

2. Beat cream. Beach must be stopped as soon as the cream begin to thick. It is very important not to reversing the cream, otherwise the ice cream will get fat.

3. Add condensed milk to cream, mix.

4. Add lemon juice, mix.

5. Pour the mass into the form in which you can freeze. Put in the freezer. After 2 hours, ice cream get it, mix (fork or wedge), put in the freezer until completely freezing (for 6-8 hours).

Bon Appetit!

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