Universal design for cottages \ Garden \ Private House


Wanting to have the possibility of a variety of cooking from meat, combined with sow design.

Stove-mangal smoking.

Blank without a solution, smoke - but it does not affect the quality of smoking, the furnace and the mangalu it is pleased to do.

I hope the drawings and the photo will be enough to describe the device.

Universal design for the cottage \ garden \ private home smoking, barbell, oven, moonshine, do it yourself, do it yourself

General layout scheme.

Universal design for the cottage \ garden \ private home smoking, barbell, oven, moonshine, do it yourself, do it yourself

All plugs on the ground. Follow the furnace to firewood and cook either on the grille inside or on the pipe from above.

Universal design for the cottage \ garden \ private home smoking, barbell, oven, moonshine, do it yourself, do it yourself

The plug 6 is removed. The furnace is ignited in the furnace and through the "Window" of the plugs 6 are boosted into the brazier. Skewers can be done almost continuously once.

Universal design for the cottage \ garden \ private home smoking, barbell, oven, moonshine, do it yourself, do it yourself

The plug is removed 5. In the furnace, now it is in the function of the smoke cabinet, the meat hangs and closes the door (albeit just plywood).

Through the right (according to Figure), the chunk 4 is refilled (10) of the fruit tree (garnet, cherry, etc.) and is treated. Smoke passing through the channel and partially cooling, passes into the closet through the "Window" 5. Capit.

Universal design for the cottage \ garden \ private home smoking, barbell, oven, moonshine, do it yourself, do it yourself

Or as an additional option, we put a distillation cube (canister))) and resemble noble drinks. By the way, on the first photo in the hands of Mogon from Mango.

Universal design for the cottage \ garden \ private home smoking, barbell, oven, moonshine, do it yourself, do it yourself

I do not advise this thing on my site. And then long kebabs will not see.

All health and pleasant appetite.

Universal design for the cottage \ garden \ private home smoking, barbell, oven, moonshine, do it yourself, do it yourself

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