How to calculate the cost of bouquet of candy


Those who make bouquets of sweets, and those who acquire them are always interested in the true cost of work. And what makes it up from? Let's try to figure out the example of calculating the cost of this basket.

How to calculate the cost of bouquet of candies

I will show two ways to calculate the cost of a bouquet of sweets: suitable calculation and a consolidated-generalized way.

1. Detal Calculation.

Here you need to remember and scrupulously write down everything that was used in the manufacture:

  • Candy Ecler Milk. . Price 1 kg - 187 rub. 100 grams on average 24 candy. Cost 1 candy 18.7 rubles: 24 pcs = 0.78 rubles. In a bouquet of 63 pieces x 0.78 rubles. = 49.14 rubles.
  • Candy with coffee stuffing. Price 1 kg - 270 rubles. 100 grams on average 8 pcs. The cost of one candy is 27.0 rubles. : 8 pieces = 3.38 rubles. Bouquet 39 pieces x 3,38 rub. =. 131.82 rub.
  • Bank coffee Black Card Gold Arabica - 220 rub.
  • Wicker basket - 360 rubles.
  • Gofrobumaga. Blue and brown consider together. Spent 2 m x 20 rubles. =. 40 rubles.
  • Floral film. Used with blue and white pattern. On poundedics left 4 mx 15 rubles. =. 60 rubles.
  • Tailent. The almost whole mix of brown and a little white is consumed. I think for 1 piece of 90 rubles. =. 90 rubles.
  • Base. In this basket, used the mounting foam. There were enough bottled vial for 2 baskets. 1/2 pieces x 220 rub. =. 110 rub.
  • Adhesive rods. 4 pcs spent. x 12 rub. =. 48 rubles.
  • Birch skewers. Packing 100 pcs. Acquired for 60 rubles. The cost of one stick is 60 rubles. : 100 pieces. = 0.60 rubles. Used 46 pcs. x 0.60 rubles. =. 27.60 rubles.

Cost at this stage is 1136.56 rub.

Plus not taken into account:

  • Toothpick
  • Staples
  • Using scissors, stapler, adhesive pistol

On the bouquet, depending on the bouquet, add from 50 rubles. Here the basket is big, add a little more and round - 1200 rub.

This is the net price of the materials used.

Plus the work of the master. There is already individually. On the one hand, phytodizainers in the preparation of compositions from living colors take from 20% of the value of the "material" used. But we have every flower manually made! And I promised two evenings over this basket. Less 400 rubles. I do not appreciate your work.

Total cost basket 1600 rub.

2. Enlarged method.

When you ask you about the cost of this or that bouquet, you will not extend the grams of penny every time. Need a more enlarged method.

From the experience of the collected bouquets and the materials used for them came to such a calculation:

  • 1 twig from candy - 15 rubles,
  • 1 flower simple shape (rose bud, crocus, bell) - 20 rubles.
  • 1 flower lush / complex shape (rose, poppy, daffodil, chamomile, peony, iris) - 30 rubles.
And the cost of compositions now count so:

  • Rose Buds 39 pcs. x 20 rubles. =. 780 rub.
  • Twigs 7 pcs. x 15 rubles. =. 105 rubles.
  • Coffee 220 rubles.
  • Base of bouquet. Bouquet in the basket - 360 rubles. Plus the base itself - pretending about 100 rubles. on such a volume. TOTAL 460 rubles.
  • Plus on the assembly (the so-called "unaccutter") and decor of the bouquet. Usually add depending on the size of the bouquet from 100 rubles. Here is a large basket, but an additional decor in the form of butterflies, dragonflies, etc. No. Add 100 rubles.

Total enlarged cost of the basket is 1665 rubles.

The difference with the previous calculation is insignificant. And the consolidated value I always round in one way or another depending on the bouquet. So here and here are the same 1600 rubles.

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