Secrets of using banana peel

Banana peel masks

Acne is perhaps the most common skin disease, with which not only teenagers face. Cosmetic disadvantages often have to hide under the layer of a tonal cream, even if you have come out of transitional age.

Secrets of using banana peel
Hundreds of cleansing chemicals offer the way to put the face in order, but the price of effective products for many is extended. It is good that it is easy to solve this annoying problem, and most importantly, a natural product is a banana peel.

Banana peel from acne

Properties of banana peel

  • In the white part of the banana peel contains a large amount of beauty vitamins: A, B, C and E.
  • In addition to vitamins, rich rich is rich in zinc, iron and manganese - minerals with anti-inflammatory action.
  • Thanks to the high content of starch, this product removes the fat brilliance, as if powder, does not clog the pores, but, on the contrary, it cleans them from toxins, moisturizes the skin.

Banana peel from acne

How to use skin skin

  • Peel

    First, wash your face with soap or foam for washing. After 10 minutes, wipe the skin with a piece of peel, after 20 minutes, replenish warm water again. Such a procedure can be carried out 2-3 times a day. A good way to spend the day off in concerns about your beauty!

    Banana peel from acne

  • Banana peel with oat flakes

    Place the blender of one banana peel into the blender bowl, 2 tbsp. l. Honey and a third of glasses of oat flakes. Mix all the ingredients to a homogeneous consistency. Apply the paste should be on cleaned skin of the face with light massage movements, excluding the skin around the eyes. After 10 minutes, it is necessary to wash the mask with warm water and apply moisturizing, but not fat cream.

  • Curkuma

    The fact that turmeric is an effective cosmetic agent known for a long time. Her anti-inflammatory properties of sin not to use in the fight against acne! Take the banana peel, wash and grind to the state of the casis. Mix the puree with turmeric in a 1: 1 ratio and divide the water.

    Secrets of using banana peel
    Apply a remedy for cleansed skin, hold 15 minutes. Then the mask should be washed with warm water and apply a non-large nutrient cream.

    Banana peel from acne

  • Peel and lemon juice

    Natural lemon acid is capable of not only to destroy bacteria, but also whin the skin, as well as reduce traces from the scars. To prepare a lemon-banana pasta, mix the puree from the peel and freshly squeezed lemon juice in proportion 1: 1. Apply a mixture with a tampon or tassels, wash the mask after 15 minutes and moisturize your face with your favorite cream.

  • Banana Peel and Busty

    Mix the dining room with a puree from the peel and a half spoon of an ordinary baking powder, bring the mixture to the consistency of thick sour cream. Apply a mask on cleaned skin with a cotton swab for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water, apply a moisturizing cream.

    The bundle has an amazing ability to clean the pores from pollution, so the skin will become clearly clearer, redness and inflammation will disappear without trace.

    Banana peel from acne

  • Peel and honey

    Puree from the peel of one banana and half a tablespoon of liquid honey - that's ready mask, which has antibacterial and moisturizing effect. It is necessary to apply a cotton swab and keep on the skin for about 15 minutes. Then you need to wash off with warm water, apply a moisturizing cream.

Secrets of using banana peel

Masks based on banana peel practically no contraindications, so you can use them every day. If you have no allergies to the components of the proposed funds, boldly take these recipes for weapons, and also share them with loved ones!

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