Spread with benefit: 11 unexpected use of bubble film


Spread with benefit: 11 unexpected use of bubble film

In the life of each of us there is enough stress and anxiety. But while good and joyful outweighs - everything is fine. And also, there are two proven antidepressants that are saved from Handra at any age and at any time of the year - a portion of delicious ice cream and Polish bubble film . By the way, the last tool of the anti-stress boasts yet 11 unexpected, but very useful properties.

Spread with benefit: 11 unexpected use of bubble film

Nervous? For such a case, always keep a small fragment of air-bubble film. Surprisingly, a completely children's occupation, such as the Lopan of plastic bubbles greatly enhances the mood. And you can spare wrapper- "Puepark" and effectively use it to solve simple household problems. For instance:

1. Take it on shopping

Spread with benefit: 11 unexpected use of bubble film

Going into a long-term race for products, grab a couple of layers of bubble film with you. If you put it along the walls and the bottom of the packages or bags, it will help to bring the frozen food, ice cream and fresh vegetables to the house in the same condition, in which they were in the store. Nothing melts and does not flow.

2. Protect pants from folds

Spread with benefit: 11 unexpected use of bubble film

Keep the pants on the hangers, but even from them on the fabric there are chains? There is a solution: Wrap over with air-bubble film hanger. All necessarily bubbles inside. Return trousers in place. The film lines and soften the surface. So from now on - no folds.

3. Entertain children on holiday

Spread with benefit: 11 unexpected use of bubble film

What is the birthday without dancing? And to make the holiday of your beloved Chad even more cheerful, equip for guests Special dance floor , Stopping the "pupyr" part of the floor. Children dance, bubbles burst, all intake and satisfied - joyful!

4. To shoes served longer

Spread with benefit: 11 unexpected use of bubble film

Favorite shoes and boots will not lose the form in anticipation of the new season, if you put the rolled film in size.

5. How to make a long journey by car comfortable?

Spread with benefit: 11 unexpected use of bubble film

Go on a journey on your own car - it is not for the bread to ride. Of course, there are plenty of advantages, but also enough cons. In particular, pain in the back and lower back from the long position "sitting". To facilitate the situation Put on the back on the back and the seat itself bubble film (bubbles up). Light massage and orthopedic effect is provided.

6. Sleep in a tent or outdoor

Spread with benefit: 11 unexpected use of bubble film

Put the "pupyr" under the sleeping bag in the campaign: it will make sleep on the ground dry and comfortable.

7. Protect the young shoots of trees during severe rainfall or lawn works

Spread with benefit: 11 unexpected use of bubble film

Wrap the barrel of a seedling with a film and fix it with scotch. Just do not forget to remove the protection when the sprout is safe.

8. Warm housing of the smaller brothers

Spread with benefit: 11 unexpected use of bubble film

Keep the four guard in the booth? Heat in winter its walls and floor with a bubble film. By the way, animals also amuses to burst bubbles.

9. So that the tools serve longer ...

Spread with benefit: 11 unexpected use of bubble film

... carefully wrap every instance in "individual packaging". Not bad protection against rust and corrosion, and it is pleasant every time to use "new."

10. Make a pillow for travel and hiking

Spread with benefit: 11 unexpected use of bubble film

Folded in several layers of film + pillowcase = comfortable pillow for all occasions.

11. We are going to a picnic

Spread with benefit: 11 unexpected use of bubble film

For drinks and snacks to remain cool, wrap them with such a useful "pupyr". Pleasant appetite in the fresh air!

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