How often do you need to wash the coffee mug in fact: an unexpected conclusion of specialists


How often should wash the coffee mug.

How often should wash the coffee mug.

What actually raises people from bed in the morning? Alarm clock, noisy neighbors with endless repairs, high level of personal motivation? No, strong coffee. No wonder the reserves of this "antisodant" will necessarily have at home and in the office. But how often do you want to wash off a mug from traces of invigorating potion? The answer of scientists is discouraged.

Two main things for a modern man.

Two main things for a modern man.

Someone can not live a working day without a couple of other smokers, and someone - without a "coffee pause". And you can also combine, but we are not talking about it. Most modern offices have a small kitchen, and each employee has its own coffee mug. That's just at the end of the day the sink is covered with dirty cups, and those who want to wash them somehow are not observed. And maybe not necessary?

How often do you need to wash the coffee mug in fact: an unexpected conclusion of specialists 10219_3

And who never "forgets" to wash the dishes?

Wash the dishes - the habit of extremely useful and sharply necessary. But it turns out, not always. In any case, the American researcher and Doctor of Science Adam Possner (Adam Possner) I am convinced: the coffee mug is not necessary to wash each time after use. Of course, if you drink from it exclusively coffee and only yourself.

Bacteria do not like coffee thick.

Bacteria do not like coffee thick.

According to the researcher, the coffee grounds or its precipitate creates a medium that is unsuitable for the vital activity of bacteria. Especially if after drinking wipe the mug with a napkin. In this case, a cup can be easily noticed for several days and nothing will happen to health. Similar experience Possener regularly spends on itself.

Opening does not apply to milk and sugar.

Opening does not apply to milk and sugar.

But we are talking exclusively about the classic black coffee. If you prefer a drink with sugar or (especially!) Milk, then lean off the washing dishes will not work. If you do not want to get food poisoning. After all, bacteria and fungi are nervously breathe to lactose and sweet.

But because of pure drinking more pleasant?

But because of pure drinking more pleasant?

Now, Yarykh Nelauverators wash the dishes there is another justification. Although everything is somehow more pleasant from pure drinking, right?

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