Fish pillow


Fish - Pillow | Fair Masters - Handmade, Handmade

Soft fish-toy, which can be sewed with your own hands and will fit into any interior of the children's room or giving. And so - fish. There is nothing complicated in its manufacture, but a few hours of exciting classes - you are provided.

For work it will be necessary: Fabric of various colors, 2 buttons (eyes), threads for sewing and stuffing material.

Interesting fish turn out if it is sewing its combining tissue of different bright colors.

First, make a sketch - draw an image, outlining the items. On dense paper, we draw a pattern of a genuine value and transferred to the fabric.

Our fish consists of several parts: head, torso, tail and 4 fins prepare the fabric - select pieces suitable in color and texture. We carry the pattern on the fabric taking into account the allowances for the seams

I exhibit fins (0.5-1.5 cmx) and stitch on an external contour. Finns will be flat, so we simply turn them out (fins and tail can be flashed for greater hardness)

Fish pillow

On the connection of the head and the torso, we put the fin, outlining the pins and sew

Fish pillow
Fish pillow

To the head sew your eyes

Fish pillow

We combine all our parts. We fold the details of the body with your head, face to face. Apply fins and flash

Fish pillow
Fish pillow

Turn the resulting fish, stuffing the filler. Ishit the tail.

Fish pillow

Our pillow is ready - ready !!!

Fish pillow

Want to see a dream about the rest on the sea, then this pillow is a toy for you.

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