Articles #4

Laundry basket

Laundry basket
Such a basket for storing things or linen is useful in every home! It can be used and as a basket for dirty underwear in the bathroom, and as a storage...

Crazy handles - Fruit boxes Furniture

Crazy handles - Fruit boxes Furniture
It so happened that a few years ago was a difficult situation in my life and I thought that one of the good methods of "reboot" - hobby and creativity....

How to make a toilet in the country do it yourself

How to make a toilet in the country do it yourself
Probably there is no point in reasoning about the importance and need to the toilet in the country area. Everyone is clear that without it can not do....

Spices and spices: Many ideas for creativity

Spices and spices: Many ideas for creativity
Spices, like absolutely natural material, is a source that stores hundreds of ideas for creativity, decorating, creating. Saturated bright colors, amazing...

Magic of Qwill in Julia Brodskaya works

Magic of Qwill in Julia Brodskaya works
Julia Brodskaya was born in Moscow, now lives and works in Britain. Julia was engaged in needlework since childhood, but not immediately came to the queen....

Bandage and husk: the idea of ​​the original painting of eggs for Easter (without the use of chemistry)

Bandage and husk: the idea of ​​the original painting of eggs for Easter (without the use of chemistry)
As Easter approaches, many begin to plan a festive table decoration in advance. All of the well-known is the most popular and affordable way to paint...

Dry Creek - Landscape Design Element

Dry Creek - Landscape Design Element
The impeccable house is not only the perfect structure, but also an indoor eye. Knowing some subtleties of landscape design, you can make a fabulous garden....

Restoration of pig-iron bath do it yourself: we consider the most popular ways

Restoration of pig-iron bath do it yourself: we consider the most popular ways
Any cast-iron bath with time is covered by cracks. Unfortunately, its wear is completely independent of the departure, and in any case roughness, chips...

Children's appliqués for Easter. Create a pisank with plasticine

Children's appliqués for Easter. Create a pisank with plasticine
Excellent option to spend free pre-holiday time with children. Just print templates and get a box of 2. 3. four five 6. 7. eight

Needlework 80s. Popular needlework of my Soviet childhood

Needlework 80s. Popular needlework of my Soviet childhood
Today I want to remember my Soviet childhood. I was born in 1975.My speech today will go about needlework of the 80s. This is just that time when I...

How to build a house for a hedgehog: 16 ideas for a private garden

How to build a house for a hedgehog: 16 ideas for a private garden
If his hedgehogs settled in your garden, then you will not have to spend a lot of time and effort to fight harmful insects. Most of the work will be made...