Crazy handles - Fruit boxes Furniture


It so happened that a few years ago was a difficult situation in my life and I thought that one of the good methods of "reboot" - hobby and creativity. Standard female needlework - knitting, embroidery, etc., I can do something, but does not hang out at all.

I wanted something like that, where my fantasy would walk, but according to the total utilitarian and without much material costs. And I opened an apsekling for myself. Literally from the English word "UpcyCling" is translated as "secondary use", "processing", i.e. The second life of things with the creation of new functional for them.

I am a little "trained" and this topic is close to me.

After repair, there were remnants of all materials, varnish, paints, and even always in the farm, it becomes unnecessary. That used it. And still all sorts of natural materials.

I have a 6m2 room in my apartment. When I was on Freilance, it was used as an office, but with access to the office it became irrelevant. Here I decided to re-equip myself under the workshop. The computer and office equipment went to the son in the room. There remained only a tabletop from a pine furniture shield 2.5x1.1 m and a wardrobe from the old Soviet wall 85 cm wide. We moved from the storage room building materials, my herbaria and other trash, which "what if it is useful?", Quickly filled the space, the storage space was not enough and the question of additional furniture got up with an edge. Of course, I could buy or make furniture to order, but it's not interesting. Initially, I planned to deal with some obsolete furniture on the release and turn it out, but the appropriate furniture was not all. The decision of the issue came unexpectedly.

One day in June last year I went to the markets, which is located near the house, behind the flower seadade and saw the mountain of wooden boxes on the release. There were very pretty boxes there and I took one, planning to make a composition with him on an outdoor territory (I don't even have a landscaping there, and then very sad thickets). While a couple of days I planned what I would do, two simply decorated caspo with balsamines were stolen from the entrance, and with anti-vandal fastening. I decided that spending time to decorate someone's dacha inexpediently, fairly planted colors. And from the box to make a gift friend - a big lover of all Hendmade.

So my story.

Immediately I apologize for the quality of the photo, it is terrible. I was disgusting photographer, I shot a chisel, and I did not plan anything to display anything, I made a photo for yourself. But the idea itself is important here, so I ask you to understand and forgive.

Here is the same box. From under the apricots, from Armenia. From beech, 30x40cm.

Crazy handles - Fruit boxes Furniture

Another box brought another box, torn off 2 jackets and increased the front and rear panel, the knobs were careful with a paper vines (there is such a kind of needlework - weaving from newspaper tubes). Okaril, covered with aqueous MOGO MOGO and acrylic varnish VGT matte. The facade decorated with gypsum panels with imprints of living plants. It was glued to the bottom and broughtpool two dies from the rail 40x7mm, perpendicular to the bottom boards. The clips on the facade is not ice, but I could not drive away small carnations, they somehow were somehow drove into the boxed, but there were no racks. The beech, of course, strong. I am for another box a bunch of 5 cm in a width of 10 minutes with a dug drank, but it's just a low-power.


Crazy handles - Fruit boxes Furniture

So the box looks at the terrace of a new mistress.

I liked the result, and I thought, why not make myself furniture in the workshop, even if it was sturder, but this is just my DIY product and everything in the topic. I had experience in furniture only as a home design designer and auxiliary working "feed-to-blow-hold" and therefore I had some theoretical knowledge. Well, not the gods of the pots burn, at the end of the ends!

I have an electric tool in the farm - and the drill is big, and the jigsik, and there is even a flat-grinding machine, but as a state of health, I use the vibrating power tool contraindicated, so that only manual work, only hardcore!

Crazy handles - Fruit boxes Furniture

And I went to the market for inventory of boxes. There are only two small points with fruit vegetables, but the place of passing and trade is fighting. Drawers are not very often exported and a decent slide accumulates in three or four days.

Types of boxes were about three:

1. The best is the same beech boxes from Armenia, size 30x40x16 cm. In other stores came across the same, but 30x50 cm, I also took them a few pieces. In July, the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict happened and the apricots stopped carrying. But I managed to this pieces of 15 boxes at the same time.

2. Boxes from plywood 30x40 (50) x16 cm. Plus - geometry of the norms, it is practically not necessary to grind, minus - not very environmentally friendly, and it leads to Phaneru if it does not consider all the smelly coatings) or in a wet room The furniture will then be.

3. Wooden wood drawers (coniferous, birch) of different sizes. Plus - strong, thick powder (5-10 mm). Minus - very bad sashbars and the fasteners will warm up to pull out.

All types of boxes + - standard sizes and therefore them as a designer of Lego cool to collect in different forms.

Here is my first rack I collected 30x50 cm from such plywood boxes.


Crazy handles - Fruit boxes Furniture

It took 8 pcs. From the tool - furniture stapler, staples 10 and 6 mm, hammer and cloves are small. Here is such an idea


Crazy handles - Fruit boxes Furniture

Bit - the first box turn over, on it on top of glue + 6mm brackets attach 2 box. With 3 drawers, remove one long side panel and, turning, 10mm brackets fasten the racks.


Crazy handles - Fruit boxes Furniture

Next, repeat the operation as with 2 drawer. In 8 scolding the racks in a brown with side walls.

I very cheerfully took up the case, gathered the entire locker for 1 day. The next two days I wanted to cut off my hands and throw them back from pain in the muscles, and also I, reflecting the office stapler brackets as a furniture, long stupid, why doesn't it work?


Crazy handles - Fruit boxes Furniture

The side racks closed by knockers from other boxes. Tinging in the right colors


Crazy handles - Fruit boxes Furniture

Light panels decorating with flowers from its herbarium, from above 4 layers of varnish. The joints of the boxes closed with decorative rails remaining from the old repair. The corners of the ridges poured on a ragless in the trash stupid, thought it would not happen, but more or less norms were small inconsistencies, but easily smeared wood dust with PVA.


Crazy handles - Fruit boxes Furniture

The rack was planned to the workshop under herbarium, but suddenly fit into the kitchen-living room. There remained.


Crazy handles - Fruit boxes Furniture

The rack is very strong, good, did not even expect.


Crazy handles - Fruit boxes Furniture

By the same principle, I made another one in the living room in place untimely improvised Monster. The difference - the racks strengthened the corners for slopes onto the brackets. Of course, you can be attached to the oblique screw, and the seasons, but this kind of fasteners is unavailable to me. With inverted boxes, the side walls removed completely, and with the usual walls lowered the CM on 3, thus the joints of the boxes are closed and the rack is more "air".


Crazy handles - Fruit boxes Furniture

Decorated with paper vine and dried sets. This is such a oshiban. The corners of the lower section are closed with a wooden corner of 30x30mm (stayed from another box, the description below). Of course, plants will overcome the plants. Something is stronger, something weaker, some do not fade at all. You can immediately tinker, you can later, as it is fading, or not to paint at all - the vintage style also like someone. You can decorate and differently, decoupage, for example, or more as, mass options.


Crazy handles - Fruit boxes Furniture

The next cabinet from such boxes: wooden 28x50x12 cm - 1 pc., Plywood 30x40x16 cm - 8 pcs, bins from cherry organity 40x60x11 cm - 3 pcs.


Crazy handles - Fruit boxes Furniture

Here is such an idea


Crazy handles - Fruit boxes Furniture

And here I lied for the first time. These plywood boxes had a fastening of the bottom to the walls - some terrible brackets. It was necessary to pull them out, but it was complicated, and I decided, let them be, especially since putpuckle and painting. I do not like painted furniture very much, but there was no choice here with the choice, and I wanted to try the style of a la "Provence", rustic handmade furniture with a vegetable pattern, which had obeda.

We collect the first tier. Below is an inverted wooden box, on top - two plywood.

And here I was mistaken for the second time. Aligning the plywood boxes on the facade, the badly fastened them, and when it began to mount the rear, the boxes slightly moved relative to each other and the drop in 3-4 mm between them turned out on the facade. And because I already all tightly glued, attached, it remained this drop to hide only with putty and decor.


Crazy handles - Fruit boxes Furniture

Using corner racks and skimming from other boxes, completely collect the design. Between the receiver racks of 1.5 racks from the box, i.e. 24 cm. The rack is fastened to the box with the help of "Titan" adhesive and 10 mm brackets. Keeps tightly.


Crazy handles - Fruit boxes Furniture

Splice (either by the old one, whether the remnants of moisture-resistant putty, no longer remember), paint (acrylic paint for walls and ceilings). Because The cabinet will stand sideways to the window, the differential is very noticeable.


Crazy handles - Fruit boxes Furniture

So I will decorate the flaws. In this case, the Merra technique is most suitable. This is when in a thin layer of putty on the surface of the base, various volumetric natural materials are smeared. And after drying, paint. I had lilac branches dried with violation of all drying technologies, scary like my life

. Well, nothing, will go. I take another rosehip, and smearing the putty from the bottom to the colors, I attach to the closet, trying to align the surface and close the shoals. Mastichean has added a slightly volume. Then tint and "composition" with white paint with almost dry brush.


Crazy handles - Fruit boxes Furniture

Well, a little bit of decoratives - vintage patterns. Intrut them to the surface by the method that the decoupaments are called the "muzzle in varnish" and prints the desired pictures on the laser printer (in the mirror image, if necessary, because after transferring the drawing mirrors). I smeared with varnishes and surface, and drawing, and quickly, while the varnish is not drying, the drawing has rolled out, kicking out bubbles. If somewhere there is a dry place without varnish, then it will be properly. Acrylic varnish, laser printer is important.

I give dry clocks 5-6 and then, wetting the soft side of the sponge for the dishes, carefully rolling the top layer of paper from the picture. Here, on the wing at the butterfly hole, poorly applied varnish. But here in the topic, Vintage Zhiz


Crazy handles - Fruit boxes Furniture

Then a little more passed a brown paint with an almost dry brush in all corners and protrusions, agricultural And battled. Here, in fact, the result.


Crazy handles - Fruit boxes Furniture

Side view. The design turned out to be a good, sometimes even a nice, first I didn't like it at all, but now I have been published, like norms.


Crazy handles - Fruit boxes Furniture

After the jambs on the fastener of the previous cabinet, I realized that without a screwdriver, I would not get away and bought a small and light battery, at the same time and the furniture anti-stripler. It went more fun.

The next rack still decided to do under herbarium. Used 5 boxes of 30x40 cm and 4 rails 40x7mm 1.4 m height and boards from other boxes for the facade. Reiki were found in the garage, in the inheritance of the father, the quality is not ice, but you could choose more or less smooth


Crazy handles - Fruit boxes Furniture

I did not take the assembly of this rack.

At first, these iron strips of fasteners took off and simply fasten the bottom to the side walls. Then pulled out the side racks and also secured the corners of the brackets. It was glued to the rails from the bottom and then on the yellow screws attached the side racks from one box with a height of 11 cm for the stability of the structure. Then screwed the bottom box to these racks and side slats. Then screwed the remaining boxes. Nephields - the boxes had to be attached to the rails from the inside, and not outside, it would be nice. The boxes had a pretty bottom and side walls, and the front and rear wall is not very, so the facade covered with two birch barks from another box.

The decor decided to make in the form of multi-colored tiles. With the help of a ruler and an angle of a flat screwdriver, the contours of the "tiles" flashed. Then he expanded and deepened the seams of the triangular file, not forgetting about the either


Crazy handles - Fruit boxes Furniture

Then the multicolored varying degree of intensity painted the "tiles". Sometimes the second-third color painted watercolor.


Crazy handles - Fruit boxes Furniture

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