Restoration of pig-iron bath do it yourself: we consider the most popular ways


Any cast-iron bath with time is covered by cracks. Unfortunately, its wear is completely independent of the departure, and in any case roughness, chips and cracks are inevitable. It happens not only because of the rigid water, and due to the aggressive components that are part of most cleaning products. Of course, the easiest way out of the situation is the purchase of a new bath. But why, if you can save considerably, restoring the old one? In this article, we will talk about the restoration of the cast-iron bath with your own hands.


On a note! For a start, a few simple tips that will greatly simplify you work. First of all, the restoration must be carried out in the correct course of the year. It should be dry and warm on the street, so the best time is the end of the spring, summer, the beginning of autumn. The weather is fundamental, because during the repair work in the apartment window you need to keep open, and children are better to take to the grandmother. No, bath recovery is not a dangerous process. You will simply use chemicals, and you should not breathe them with pairs of kids. However, as you: during work, use the respirator (preferably professional). You will also need an adhesive tight apron and several sets of disposable rubber gloves.

Restoration of pig-iron bath do it yourself: we consider the most popular ways

What materials will be needed for the restoration of the cast-iron bath?

Do not do without flour brush from natural bristles. Approximate size - eighty millimeters. You can safely buy a couple of brushes, they will often get dirty and demanding replacement. It is necessary to trace so that no brush in contact with any fat material. If this happens, then your work on the restoration of the bathroom will be in vain.

Restoration of pig-iron bath do it yourself: we consider the most popular ways

You can also come in handy a paint knife and tweezers. These tools will be in the case, if bristles fall on the fresh coating. By the way, that is why it is best to use new, not old brushes.

We go further: in your arsenal there must be solvent No. 646 and acetone. Keep in mind that it is better not to use solvents, which contains saturated hydrocarbons (let's say, Whitepirite). Such means are absolutely not suitable for the restoration of the bathroom. It is also worth stocking materials that will not leave a pile on the surface. For example:

  • cotton fabric;
  • Calcar (though, it must be repeatedly postulated);
  • flannel fabric;
  • Microfiber wipes, which are often used to wipe the glasses).

Restoration of pig-iron bath do it yourself: we consider the most popular ways

Restoration of pig-iron bath liquid acrylic

Restoration of cast iron baths acrylic requires the purchase of the appropriate material. Due to its upgraded composition, the liquid acrylic spreads perfectly on the surface of the bathroom, and the manual distribution of the material is not necessary. To use this method, the bath surface must be carefully prepared. First of all, get rid of the old coating. The bath must be carefully cleaned, rinse and dry.

Restoration of pig-iron bath do it yourself: we consider the most popular ways

Restoration of pig-iron bath do it yourself: we consider the most popular ways

How to prepare a bath? Before starting to pour the bathroom, you must disconnect the drain and do not forget to put any container under the drain hole. So the remnants of the material will not pour out.

How to apply? To apply acrylic coating, the brush, oddly enough, will not need.

That is why this method of restoration is often called a "bulk bath." The remedy is neatly poured on the surface of the bathroom. You need to start with sides, and then smoothly move to the walls and the bottom of the bathroom.

What should be a layer of liquid acrylic? The liquid acrylic layer should be from five to six millimeters. In addition, the coating should dry carefully, and it will be needed for it for at least five days.

Restoration of pig-iron bath do it yourself: we consider the most popular ways

Restoration of pig-iron bath do it yourself: we consider the most popular ways

The result of such a restoration of the old cast-iron bath will pleasantly surprise you, but we would call it quite time consuming. However, it costs to work, because in the end you will get a durable and high-quality coverage, which you can not say about enamel. Liquid acrylic is completely not afraid of mechanical damage, but the choice of shades and colors from the most different manufacturers is very large. So if you are in principle that the bathroom is perfectly fitted in the design, then the liquid acrylic will become the best option.

Restoration of cast-iron enamel enamel

In addition to the above materials, you will need:

  • Drill (with its help we will shoot an old coating);
  • slightly oxalic acid;
  • Any composition that degreases the surface;
  • Direct enamel.


Restoration of pig-iron bath do it yourself: we consider the most popular ways

Pig-iron bath restoration steps Enamel:

  • To begin with, the bath surface must be carefully cleansed from the layer of old enamel. There are different options for how to do it, but the easiest, in our opinion, using a drill with a nozzle.
  • If there is a water stone on the surface of the bathroom, then be sure to remove it using a small amount of oxalic acid.
  • Next, the surface of the bathroom is neatly cleaned of dust, after which is degreased by a special means.

On a note! The stage of working with the drill is very dusty. If you do not take action, then you will get a completely unrecognizable bathroom. It is better to take care of the order in advance, and all the surfaces close the sheets, oilcloths or old newspapers.

  • So, our bath is ready for the next stage. We recruit hot water into it and withstand at least ten minutes. Then we drag the water, and the surface of the bathroom is thoroughly wipe. For a while we suspend the work and give a bath to dry.

Restoration of pig-iron bath do it yourself: we consider the most popular ways

  • Now we can harvest enamel: about how it is done, carefully read in the instructions from the manufacturer. As a rule, a hardener in a certain proportion must be mixed with the main component.
  • On the dry surface of our bath we apply the first layer of enamel. We do this as careful as possible, the layer must be uniform. Get off the first layer should from twenty to thirty minutes.
  • Then the same two layers are then applied, and also dry each to thirty minutes.
  • The fourth layer, the last layer, is the strengthening. After you apply it, the restoration of the old cast-iron bath will be completed.

On a note! In no case do not use the bathroom after the work is completed. At least three days she should "relax."

Pluses of restoration bath enamel:

  • The indisputable plus is that you can cover the enamel bath of the shade you need: the palette of modern producers is quite wide. And for harmony with the design of your bathroom, it is very important.
  • Even if you absolutely do not have any experience in the construction sector, you can easily cope with this work.

Cons Restoration Enamel:

  • There is no so much the process of applying enamel how much the preparatory stage. Cleaning the old enamel forms really a lot of dust.
  • By its strength, the coverage that you will receive in the end will be incomparably with the factory. You will need to handle the renovated bathroom very carefully, because it is subject to mechanical damage. The average service life of such a coating is up to twenty months. Agree that it is very small.

Restoration of pig-iron bath do it yourself: we consider the most popular ways

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