Halloween Pumpkin Lantern


Halloween Pumpkin Lantern


  • candle
  • Large pumpkin
  • knife


  • knife

Step 1

Halloween Pumpkin Lantern

Before taking on the knife, you need to draw terrible physiognomy on the pumpkin. Why do you draw? Pencil or felt-tip pen. And it is better to leave a small groove with a knife on the crust of pumpkins.

Step 2.

Halloween Pumpkin Lantern

The top of the pumpkin can be cut off with a smooth circle, and you can neat corners - it is not so fast, but this "cover" will be closed much more dense.

Step 3.

Halloween Pumpkin Lantern

Remove the "cover" and cut the fiber from it. After that, we clean the fibers and seeds from the fetus itself.

Step 4.

Halloween Pumpkin Lantern

Now neatly cut your eyes, nose and mouth.

Step 5.

The lantern is almost ready. It remains only to put the candle inside.

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