Articles #1654

7 examples of the volume embroidery that looks like a living

7 examples of the volume embroidery that looks like a living
In our selection of amazing masters from different parts of light embroidering in 3D technique. You can admire their work infinitely. Embroidery exists...

How to make a lamp from LED tape for any needs

How to make a lamp from LED tape for any needs
For any conditions and needs, whether auto repair or shooting high-quality photos and video is important. Good light. To do this, you can collect a lamp...

Interesting decor from laminate residues

Interesting decor from laminate residues
Did you make the repair and after it remained laminate? In no case, do not throw away the remnants! After all, you can come up with a lot of interesting...

Furniture "Two in One": Seat and storage

Furniture "Two in One": Seat and storage
Multifunctional furniture is one of the modern trends. Owners, saving space and trying to compactly place all things, often choose options such as "two...


The hoods of the Hourly Cybarski and the KykoL "DOPOGIA MOE" has created a kycl.Her dolls resemble the heroes of cartoons - very sad, obviously native,...

Do not hurry to throw away. Maybe it will come in handy: 16 of the ideas of unexpected use of things

Do not hurry to throw away. Maybe it will come in handy: 16 of the ideas of unexpected use of things
We live in an era of postmodernism, time when it is difficult to treat everything seriously, there must be a fair proportion of irony. Even in the interior...

Outdoor vase from 3 liter cans. Manufacturing technique came up with itself (it turned out gorgeous)

Outdoor vase from 3 liter cans. Manufacturing technique came up with itself (it turned out gorgeous)
Hello, dear readers! To decorate your home, we go shopping and looking for beautiful things to put them on the shelf or wardrobe. Any bauble often becomes...

Easter doll Verbitsa

Easter doll Verbitsa
What do we need:flax (necessarily natural shade);twist from Berestov (blank in 10x20 format);Red cotton (segment of monochrome tissue and two pieces...

14 lives of old chairs. Beauty do it yourself

14 lives of old chairs. Beauty do it yourself
Old furniture has its own special attractiveness: "I knew how to do things." And how to be if the grandmother's chair no longer fits into the interior? Furniture...

What else can be made of pallets do it yourself

What else can be made of pallets do it yourself
The website of Myrtessen has an article with examples of what can be made from pallets with their own hands. But the field of application of this affordable...