7 examples of the volume embroidery that looks like a living


In our selection of amazing masters from different parts of light embroidering in 3D technique. You can admire their work infinitely.


Embroidery exists for many centuries, and today it is beloved by many crafts continues to remain popular and actively develop. Artists expand borders in search of new ways to express their fantasy. They use a variety of textured materials and achieve the striking effect of living paintings with the help of conventional needles and threads. List our selection to get a charge of positive emotions.

Victoria Rose Richards.

Do you think these are photos of landscapes, shot from the height of a bird'sBoy? No, this is a colorful 3 D-embroidery, which is created by an artist from England Victoria Rose Richards.

7 examples of the volume embroidery that looks like a living

It makes beautiful volumetric embroidery, inspired by the views of the British countryside. Richards biologist for education, therefore, always interested in nature. She was fond of embroidery in 2018 and very quickly reached the highest level of skill. She creates their landscapes from the threads with the help of French knots and stroit, which is used for the image of green grass, rivers and lakes.

And in some of their works, it uses free equipment, causing bright colorful stitches on the fabric, as the artist inflicts colors.

Sew beautiful

The main topic of the works of artist from the UK SEW Beautiful are also three-dimensional landscapes, but fluffy clouds are especially expressive. Before them, I want to touch your hand.

Each landscape looks like a volumetric picture and brings real visual pleasure. Purple and pink flowers are blooming on the tissues, and heaven with woolen clouds look like real. The technique is all the same: French nodules.

Georgie Emery

Butterfly, which is created by the British artist George Emery, looks quite like real. The master completely copies the drawing of the wings of butterflies, exactly repeats their real dimensions and shades of painting.

On the lapel of jacket in the form of a luxurious brooches, they look even more realistic.


Desert Eclipse Studio.

Embroidery Maria from Desert Eclipse Studio A real portrait artist who is not afraid to take for the most complex hairstyles. Maria specializes in custom portraits and makes them to order for a short time. People depicted on Mary embroidery usually look at the night sky, full of stars, and the most expressive element of embroidery is their hairstyles.

Customers can request different shades and decorations for hair: floral wreaths, ordinary or French braids. To give hairstyles volume and realism, Maria handles hair with threads of different shades.

And Maria can embroider stunning pendants, miniature brooches and just beautiful paintings to decorate the interior.


Textile artist from Suter Design & Co creates three-dimensional images from threads that become similar to rugs. Its paintings are similar to the paradise islands, drowning in the sea of ​​greenery and a bright blue blue sea, and inside lush vegetation there is always a tiny human figure, sunbathing on the beach or bathing in water. Present time, serenity and absolute happiness.

Kayra handmade

The artist from Holland Serena, known as Kayra Handmade, is able to catch and pass the movement at the moment. It creates three-dimensional embroidery of female models with loose hair, created from threads and patchwork dresses, which flowed as if they caress the summer breeze.

These works are performed using combinations of various stitches techniques, colorful threads, as well as other unconventional elements, such as glass beads and fine fabric.


The Japanese embroidery and fabric artist creates striking copies of food, homemade items, plant leaves and many other things that looks incredibly realistic.

The French knotted stitch is doing, winding the thread on the needle, and this type of embroidery considers its favorite admission.

IPNot creates three-dimensional objects from the 500-colors palette with a tiny nodule method. It seems that every piece of a piece of food, a leaf of a plant or flower literally jumps out of the fabric.

Ipnotes learned to make beautiful photos of his works with such an angle, which seems like her creation and in fact real.

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