Excellent advice How to return the card for 3 minutes, which "ate" an ATM


When I remove the money, then most I am afraid that the ATM will freeze, the card will not be possible to get, people in line will begin to indignant, I will not get my money and you will have to get involved in all this business with calls to a hotline and so on.

Excellent advice How to return the card for 3 minutes, which

If such a trouble happened in your life, do not panic. Just use the instructions provided by specialists from the contact center.

To retrieve a bank card that "swallowed" an ATM, you need to hold down the "Cancel" key from 3 to 5 minutes.

Even if your hand has been picked up and you think this idea is meaningless, do not let go of the key in any way! After a while, an ATM will prompt you to cancel the operation. Not releasing the "Cancel" key, click on the screen or through the corresponding button "yes" option and you immediately get your card back.

Here are some more tips in case the ATM does not give your card:

1. Wait 10 minutes while the ATM reboots.

There is a chance that the software will reset all operations on their own, and your card will be sprinkled back.

2. Contact your bank or company that serves an ATM.

Call the hot line of your bank to inform them about what happened and block the map. If the company's number was able to find out, which serves an ATM, contact with its employees. The company can send a specialist who will get your card.

3. Try to understand why your card was swallowed.

There are cases when an ATM is working very slowly because of some manipulations that sweat with him. Sometimes it happens that the removal mechanism does not work and pushes the card so that only its edges can be seen.

In the US, for example, your card is pushed much earlier than in Europe. There are several countries in which the length of the pin code may differ from the usual four-digit.

Perhaps you just entered the wrong code several times.

4. Write down the time and remember the location of the ATM.

Write down the time when an ATM swallowed your card. Mentake as many details as possible: date, place where you are, type of ATM (if possible).

For example, this ATM is beyond the bank or in its place, it is installed on the street or in the mall.

Also, does he have a serial number, logo or other identification signs? Take a picture of all these details and an ATM itself for the phone.

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