20 excellent bird feeders ideas


Now very difficult time for birds. It is difficult for them to survive: the yard is cold, the snow, and the reservoirs are covered with ice crust. It's time to feed and warm pennate friends.

Bird feeders

The feeder at the cottage or near the house is a very small construction, but it will collect a lot of hungry peah. You can buy for them a ready-made "dining room", but it is much more interesting to make bird feeders with their own hands. Let's feed them in winter, and they will pay a hundredfold to us in the spring when they will destroy the pests in the garden and sing in the morning there are ringing songs. And ideas for creativity can be found literally anywhere: in the forest, in the garden and garden, in the attic or in the kitchen.

1. Wall "Cell" with a grain mixture

The container from a large mesh is fettered on the fence or a shed wall, put inside the grain mass and waiting for the feathers!

20 excellent bird feeders ideas
Cutter from the grid

How to prepare a grain mass:

  1. We take coconut solid oil or beef (pork) fat (150-200 g), 1 tbsp. A spoonful of vegetable oil and about 300 g of grain mixture for birds.
  2. Heat fat in a saucepan, pour oil and grains into it.
  3. We make the forms of the desired size and wait until they frozen.
This mixture will fall to taste Birds that love hard food (Title, sparrows and finchs). Create some ingredients to attract as much pennate as possible.

For fans of soft feed (Malinovka, Wheat, Drozd) instead of a grain mixture, use wheat bran, raisins and oatmeal. They need to be mixed with fat in the same proportions.

2. Suspended design with mesh

This is an improved variant of the previous feeder - a suspended design with two compartments for feed.

20 excellent bird feeders ideas
Suspended design with a grid.

The grid holds food, and the roof protects it from snow.

3. Grain "Cookies"

Well, if the grain mass turned out to be more than you need for a feeder, it's not trouble! You can take as the basis of the sprocket from the feed and make such cute hearts:

20 excellent bird feeders ideas
Heart made of grain mixture.

When the mass hardens, do the hole in each form, the pull in it is twine and hang out on the tree.

4. "VAZoys" from orange

As a basis for a suspension feeder, you can use halves of orange.

20 excellent bird feeders ideas
Orange feeders.

  1. Cut the orange in half and remove the core;
  2. Purify 4 small holes on the opposite sides, stretch the split crosswise in them;
  3. We collect the ends of the twine together and tie the knot;
  4. We place the grain mass into orange bases and hang on trees or bushes.

5. Edible ball of apple

A similar idea, only the base of the feeder serves as an apple.

20 excellent bird feeders ideas
Edible apple feeder.

What is good this design : Apple will fully go into the case, the whole feeder will be eaten.

6. "Arbor" from pumpkin

Here is another example of the edible feeder - from pumpkin. It is enough to cut into it through a hole, clean from seeds, hang over the rope or wire to a strong branch and put inside food.

20 excellent bird feeders ideas
Pumpkin feeder.

Pumpkin can be taken any, including decorative.

7. Cinemas from tin cans

A bright solution is small tin cans painted in different colors. Hang them on the branches using ropes or ribbons and they will not only be aware for feathery, but also an unusual decor for your garden.

20 excellent bird feeders ideas
Feeders from tin cans.

8. Basket with treat

In the attic dust broken or unnecessary wicker baskets and baskets? Give them a second life! For example, a braided chest can be suspended using a rope or ribbon so that its cover becomes the roof for the feeder.

20 excellent bird feeders ideas

9. Wicker trough from the vine

Have you ever wanted to try your hand in weaving? Start with a small one - make this nice "gazebo" from the vine.

20 excellent bird feeders ideas
Fit from the vine.

To do this, you can take the vine of the virgin grapes or shoot any kinds of Yves. The shoots choose straight and long, healthy wood, without bitch and growths, with a small core. In addition, they will need fantasy and a little patience.

10. Kitchen Venchik as a feeder

Even a whisk for whipping may well be a good feeder.

20 excellent bird feeders ideas
Cutter from a whin.

Insert pieces of bread or sheard grain mass between the turns and hang it there, where the birds will easily get to it.

11. Arbor from thermal tape

Another simple idea performed. Take any pallet, fasten the curved kitchen plastic stand under the hot - and you will get an unusual and comfortable feeder. The thermal tape will play the role of the roof.

20 excellent bird feeders ideas
The feeder from thermal stretch.

The following video shows the process of manufacturing a kitchen utensil feeder, published from everybody.

12. Birch house

The choice of materials for creating wooden feeders is huge. You can build such a house from birch branches.

20 excellent bird feeders ideas

And if the roof fasten the grids with the feed mixture - it will be functionally and beautiful.

13. Feeder - Russian Hut

With such a "log house" in the style of Russian horses will have to tinker, but it is worth it!

20 excellent bird feeders ideas

The design can be hung on a tree and fasten on the stump. In the next video, you will see the process of making a feeder in a similar style.

14. House of ice cream chopsticks

Is there a sweet tooth in your family? Then you can easily make a lot of sticks for ice cream. Look, what interesting feeder can make it easier from sticks bonded by glue!

20 excellent bird feeders ideas
Fit from sticks for ice cream.

The assembly scheme is very simple. If you paint "building materials" with different colors - it turns out a real rainbow feeder. If you wish, you can make a roof for it.

20 excellent bird feeders ideas
Assembly scheme.

If instead of sticks for ice cream take disposable medical wooden spatulas, the feeder size will increase.

15. Vintage watches still go

The second life of old hours? Easily! Remove the clockwork, and in the case put a treat for birds. Quickly, simple and very beautiful!

20 excellent bird feeders ideas
Cutter from the clock.

16. Vintage trough

20 excellent bird feeders ideas
Vintage feeder.

17. Drinking and Kratka

Similar in form - and such different contents ... These ideas are for creative masters!

20 excellent bird feeders ideas

From the old brewing kettle with a lid, it will be convenient drivingker. And the apples or frozen grain mass in the form of a ball will easily replace on fresh, if they fasten them on removable horizontal "skewers". For this, aluminum pegs are quite suitable.

18-19. Gazebo and balcony

Imitation of the arbor and cozy balcony. Very painstaking work, but if the master is a fond of peculiar, then the works will be only a joy. Decorating your garden with such works of art, you will turn it into a fairy tale!

20 excellent bird feeders ideas

20. For the most solid

We will finish our selection of a real masterpiece. To build such a "Dream House", not necessarily possess the skill of a carpenter, but fantasy and an email here will not be superfluous. The highlight of this fabulous house is the foundation from pebbles. Securely secure all the elements and install the house for a solid foundation. To the birds it is convenient to trape, take care of a wide input. And the white color will give the whole design solemnity and ease.

20 excellent bird feeders ideas

Rules of bird "catering"

  • All birds without exception are harmful Fried and salty, categorically impossible to pour over a moldy and vocular feed, as well as put the millet and black bread.
  • Raw sunflower seeds and oat groats in small quantities fit All birds.
  • Feeders better Do not keep full constantly , and shove in them feed several times a day on a little bit.

To avoid mistakes, it is easiest to buy a ready-made mixture in a pet store. Such mixtures are balanced and made by all the rules of the bird diet.

And what do you feed the birds in winter?

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