How to remove stump without hardened


How to remove stump without hardened

On the Internet you can meet a bunch of stupid councils. Some completely banal, and some do not work exactly. But among the likelihood there are really interesting approaches to solving the problem.

For example, stump in the garden plot. How to get rid of it quickly and without a big physical effort. I tell the option ...

You will need a drill.

In order to implement a similar method, you will need a drill, a screwdriver or a perforator with a long drill to work on a tree. 0.5-meter segment HB tissue, as well as 100-200 ml of diesel fuel or kerosene. Stump will be removed with the help of fire, as you could have already guess yourself. So, what is the sequence of actions?

We make access to air.

First drill in the pnen the vertical hole until it stops. We do it as much as the drill will allow. Now we drill another hole in the stump, however, at an angle.

Pour fuel.

It should be prepared so that it connects to the first hole. When everything is ready, fuel into the upper hole our fuel and set on fire, making the wick tissue and lowering it into the hole. By the way, does not recommend using gasoline, as it quickly goes.

Gilt and make more holes-pissed.

While the stump flares up, you should be made from different sides, there are still a few sloping holes for air supply. For example, we make every effort that the stump began to burn consistently. After about 4 hours, the foundation should be noticeably. To smolden stump will be long. Approximately 8-10 hours later, there should be nothing to stay in its place, except for a small crater.

That's what will remain in the morning.

But ways that are suitable for those who do not hurry and do not want to contact fire:

Just salt

This is one of the most budget options, but for a pack of salt, tootold after all. Sodium chloride although it is a dietary supplement, but has pronounced aggressive properties. Craw salt destroys wood and this is a fact. It is possible to test this property of salt with use, destroying the stump with it.

To do this, it should be pre-drilled a few holes in a large drill, fall asleep in them, pour with water, cover the entire "design" cellophane and forget about its existence for a year and a half. During this time, the salt will destroy the structure of the wood, and the stump can simply and easily correct themselves without any help.

Biological method - the destruction of mushrooms

It is necessary to make a reservation immediately, this method does not apply to the discharge of express methods. You will have to wait two of two, at least. But where to rush when a stunning perspective opens to combine pleasant and tasty with useful, and even use these benefits for several years. The idea is simple - to infect stump with mushrooms. There are two worthy candidates for this role - an oyster and winter opension. Both of these species are almost omnivorous and feel great on any stump, except for those that remain from coniferous trees.

The technology of "infection" is extremely simple. Mushroom mycelium, preferably grain - already germinated on the substrate, brought into the drilled holes or scubons on the stump. And that's it. It is desirable, however, the stump occasionally moisturize, especially in hot weather. If it is to do this in the spring, then in October you can already expect the harvest of the oyster, and from December to March to collect winter beings. Three years later, the stump will turn into a duchus, and the experience gained, perhaps, will be a shock to grow the growing of mushrooms seriously.

Chemical Pyrotechnic Method

According to the implementation technology, it is close to the option with a cook salt. Only used in this case, sodium or potassium soda. The advantage of the method lies in the fact that the base impregnated with the base is in our case - wood is very well lit. After all, no wonder the Selith is the most important component of many types of powder.

To implement the method in the pne, you need to drill a lot of holes, fill them with saltorts, pour with water, cover from precipitation with a cellophane package or film and to be patient for a year and a year and a half.

When the Selith does his work, and the wood stump sinks, you do not need to rush it to harde it mechanically. It is enough to pour the stump of some fuel liquid and set fire to or make a bonfire around it. Selitra in the process of burning abundantly distinguishes oxygen, thanks to which this way, even deeply leaving roots will get out. This method is popular not only in domestic gardens-gardeners, but also is widely practiced in foreign farms.

Chemical method or two in one

This method for people with elevated patience. Here we will talk about urea, and in a scientific - ammonia Selitra. The method of laying is no different from the method with Kaliivaya and sodium Selutyra. Only the option with arson will not pass here, and even waiting for the destruction of the stump will have to be somewhat longer.

But when the stump turn into a denu, his remnants can be easily overhadowed with the ground and at this place boldly plant new plants. Ammonia Selith is a first-class fertilizer, therefore such a way of removing the stumps gives a double effect.

Method slightly "poisonous"

Let's talk about herbicides. Despite the widespread opinion on the unconditional harm of herbicides, it can be said that "the hell is not so terrible as they draw." In any case, modern drugs "Glisol", "Alaz", "Tornado", "Roundapup", "Zero" and others designed specifically for the destruction of weeds are almost harmless, they quickly disintegrate into phosphates, carbon dioxide and water.

You can enter chemicals in two ways - either to handle the fresh cut, or evenly distribute around the stump along the soil surface. Abundant watering or precipitation will be done, and drugs will penetrate deeply into the root system.

These chemicals are effective only in the case of freshly cut wood, as they are intended to destroy exclusively living vegetation.

Another important property is the so-called systemic, allowing substances to quickly spread along the capillary system of the plant. Wood-listed in the structure, in particular, fresh stump, they quickly kill it, after which the latter is destroyed and becomes militant for irritation.

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