How to save cheese for a long time: without mold and continuousness!


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I have long since I wanted to share the Council or how now is speaking-life, and this is how long to keep the cheese fresh in the refrigerator. I share, someone knows, and maybe someone will come in handy!

Bought the cheese, brought home and put in the dishes for cheese or just a plate, covered with a cap.

They put a piece of sugar to cheese.

Sugar must be put so that it does not touch cheese.

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In the photo of cheese on the day of purchase.

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Second day of storage. It can be seen how sugar collects moisture too much. A photo of a larger.

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If the cheese lies 5-7 days, then sugar is simply sometimes melted completely from excess moisture.

Cheese does not harden and does not mold. It works exactly!

A source

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