Amazing properties of glycerin


Glycerin is a truly effective tool that can help you in many household situations. In addition, glycerin is quite accessible and costs quite inexpensive. That is why it is useful to know what amazing abilities he possesses.

Displays persistent spots

Coffee stains, blueberries, tea, pens and many others are persistent, and therefore they are not easy to remove them. However, Glycerin will help to cope with this task: apply it to a stain and leave at least an hour or until you see that the stain discharged. After that, the fabric can be wrapped in a typewriter.
Amazing properties of glycerin

Prevents the formation of dust

If you do not like to carry out frequent wet cleaning, take advantage of a small cunning - soda glycerin lacquered furniture and mirrors, then the dust will not sit on them.
Amazing properties of glycerin

Restores leather shoes and other products

If you notice small cracks on leather products, just wipe their cotton disk, moistened in glycerin, and cracks will become almost invisible.
Amazing properties of glycerin

Returns the floor glitter

During the next harvest, wash the floor is not simple water, but with water with the addition of glycerol. After that, the floors will be pleasant to glisten.

Amazing properties of glycerin

Restores hair

Add a couple of glycerol drops with each hair washing with shampoo, and they will become more obedient, it will be less fastened. Additionally, you can make effective masks with glycerin, whose recipes for different types of hair can be found on the network.
Amazing properties of glycerin

Moisturizes the skin of the hands

You can use ready-made creams with glycerin in the composition, and you can independently do glycerol baths - for this you need to add a pair of glycerol drops into warm water and hold your hands in this solution.
Amazing properties of glycerin

Restores skin face

If we apply on the face of the glycerol thin layer, it forms a small invisible film, which attracts microscopic water molecules contained in the air, and thus moisturizes the skin.
Amazing properties of glycerin

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