Old jeans skirt do it yourself


Old jeans skirt do it yourself

Probably, each in the wardrobe will find such a pair of jeans, which you have not yet worn for a long time, and it's a pity. It can be a little rubbed jeans, or jeans that are not suitable in size, but perhaps jeans that have long been released from fashion. It turns out that such jeans are quite easy to give a new life and make a very convenient and stylish skirt of them.

First, we definitely try jeans and measure the desired height of the coquette for the future skirt, we note it with the help of chalk. Fitting - mandatory procedure, because if you do without it, then the coquette can get the curve or go to the sock. Pockets sip slightly above marked coquette lines. We cut off, but be sure to leave 1 cm. The seams in the trouser also cut off and align. We eventually turn out 4 strips of jeans and coquette. To the skirt look original, together with jeans, you can use another cloth, such as sitheria.

Old jeans skirt do it yourself

Next, it is necessary to resort the seams in front of the snake so that the skirt does not shine when to wear. We lay the fold and spend anew.

Old jeans skirt do it yourself

For the first wave tier, cut a piece of the fabric of the desired width (I have about 15 cm) and the length of the thighs is 20 cm for 20 cm. If you want a skirt more tight, you can slide a little longer. And so that the skirt looks better - every next waist from Citz It should be wider than the previous one for 2-5 cm, although it is not necessary. We stick the strip of fabric into the ring, and, a little gym, sew it to the coquette. Pockets are customized on the fabric suitable threads.

Old jeans skirt do it yourself
Old jeans skirt do it yourself

The next denim wave we have, its width can be varied as you want, but do the same length, like the previous volana from the fabric. Next, we have again a Sitz Volan, I have about 18 cm. The next denim Volan is made from two crosslinked apricots, it will be the same length as the previous sieve. The last waist of a Citz 21 cm wide and 50 cm is longer than the last denim volat. We like the edge of the lower volana and voila, the stylish skirt is ready!

Of course, it is not necessary to do exactly such a number of volanses and such a skirt length. The main idea is that from old or unnecessary jeans can be sewed an excellent skirt, and what it will be - depends only on your imagination.

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