How to sense mastic for cake with your own hands?


How to sense mastic for cake with your own hands?

The main species that received well-deserved popularity are dairy, gelatinic and mastic from Marshmello. They do not contain complex ingredients and are quite simple in preparation.

Milk Mastic Recipe for Cake

For her preparation you will need:

- sugar powder;

- powdered milk;

- condensed milk.

These ingredients are connected in the dishes in the ratio of 1: 1: 1 and are embroidered to the consistency of soft plasticine. The resulting mass is not snow-white, usually it is cream or light beige - it eliminates its use for the manufacture of figurines of "clean" colors, but it is edible and quite pleasant to taste.

Recipe gelatin mastic for cake decorating

This kind of decoration is more capricious, but also more gentle, which allows you to sculpt the figures of fine work. For cooking you will need:

- gelatin;

- water;

- Sugar powder.

1-2 tablespoons gelatin are soaked in cold water for several hours, after which it is brought to the entire dissolution of the clots and obtaining a homogeneous consistency. Gelatin can not boil - it loses its adhesive properties and acquires an unpleasant smell. Then 2-3 cups of sugar powder introduced into the dishes and is carefully laid out. To give the desired color, any food dye is suitable - if it has a liquid form, it is worth adding powders to not disrupt the consistency. Also, that the decoration does not work out shyly sweet, you can add some lemon acid or lemon juice. From such a material for modeling, the delicate petals of colors and small figures are perfect.

How to make mastic for cake from marshmallow?

Marshmello is air marshmallow candy, often two-color, respectively, they are the basis. To prepare this kind of mastic for cake to a pack of sweets (100g), add a tablespoon of water and send for a short time to the microwave oven to increase the volume. Gradually, enter in the resulting mass of 1.5 cups of sugar powder, not forgetting to constantly stir, gradually adding, if necessary, powder. This species is most convenient to use for modeling small elements.

How to make chocolate mastic for a cake?

This kind is less common, but no less worthy. It will take chocolate and liquid honey in the proportion of approximately 2: 1. Ingredients carefully laid and the resulting mass is ready for use. Chocolate can be used both black and white or add dye - it will not affect plasticity, only its color will change.

Several useful tips:

- To work with this material there are a number of special tools: curly knives, molds and cuttings that allow you to create real masterpieces

- In the cooking process, it is necessary to use the most uniform sugar powder small grinding, otherwise the reservoir will rush while working with it.

- Always always have a mass supply at hand, in case it is necessary to add it to obtain the desired consistency. - Apply mastic worth only on a practically dry basis - this will avoid the tanya of the gentle material, and to connect the elements of the figures, they are slightly moistened.

- Ready decorations, which, according to the idea, should be solid, you need to leave in the air and put on the cake only before serving, so that the moisture does not spoil them.

- Moisture drops that performed on the figure can easily be removed by flushing the napkin.

- If the mass thickened, it is enough to heat it enough.

- The finished mass for decorating the cake, if necessary, can be stored in the refrigerator to 2 weeks, and in the freezer - up to the month.

- The finished features are perfectly stored in hermetic packaging.

Do not be afraid of experiments, apply knowledge in practice, creating culinary masterpieces, and more than once hear the exclamation of admiration for guests, affected not only the taste, but also the charm of your cake!

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