16 ways to draw a cute angel



From even children to colorful interior paintings.

How to draw angel marker


What you need

  • Paper;
  • Black marker.

How to draw

Two divergers, slightly deposited down the lines, draw the cheeve, connect its edges by a semicircle - this is the bottom of the head.

16 ways to draw a cute angel

Round eyes place immediately under the cheek. Slide them, leaving pupils white.

16 ways to draw a cute angel

Above the cheek, retreating a little up, start the curved line, fight it down and right, connect with your head. This is half hair.

16 ways to draw a cute angel

Similarly, add the second half of the hairstyles and diverging lines draw a dress. Leave between hair and dress space for hands.

16 ways to draw a cute angel

Where there was a place in the previous step, draw triangular hives, and between them - a collar, similar to the letter W.

16 ways to draw a cute angel

From the sleeves, spend rounded hands, strokes mark the palms. Similarly, draw your legs.

16 ways to draw a cute angel

At about the place where the cheeve borders with the rest of the hair, start the wing line. It rises slightly, and then smoothly goes down and to the side, ending with wave-like feathers. Also depicting the second wing.

16 ways to draw a cute angel

Draw an angel smile and a nimb, consisting of two ovals - one in another. Step-by-step instructions in this video:

What else there are options

A simple silhouette of an angel with a pipe is suitable for a festive postcard:

And another simple silhouette, this time with the stars:

Such a charming angel resembles anime pictures:

And this will definitely like children:

How to draw an angel with paints

16 ways to draw a cute angel

What you need

  • Dense paper;
  • brushes;
  • gouache;
  • glass with water;
  • palette or plate;
  • Cellophane package or film.

How to draw

Moch the paper and start putting on it and blots blue paint with the addition of water.

16 ways to draw a cute angel

Continue to fill the sheet in the same way: blue paint along the edges and yellow dots - closer to the center.

16 ways to draw a cute angel

Put the celofan wet paint on the more wet paint and smooth it, you do not need to press much. This technique will create a texture, the picture of the picture will become more interesting.

16 ways to draw a cute angel

Remove the cellophane and give the drawing to dry completely.

16 ways to draw a cute angel

White gouache on a dry background. Draw divergent dresses, it reminds a slightly departed trapezium. Lower edge Make a slightly wavy, there will be ruffles. Paint with a translucent layer so that the dress is air.

16 ways to draw a cute angel

Slide the dress with wide lines from top to bottom: Later from these lines we will make folds. Draw sleeves similar to curved triangles. One is aimed aside, and the other rises diagonally up: in this hand angel will hold the pipe.

16 ways to draw a cute angel

Add wings. They resemble the form of leaves and for them an opaque layer of paint is already needed.

16 ways to draw a cute angel

Decorate the dress with folds and frills. To do this, spend long white screenshots, divergent book, and along the hem, add short strokes.

16 ways to draw a cute angel

Small dots and arbitrary lines decorate the bottom and sleeves of the dress, as shown in the picture, imitating lace.

16 ways to draw a cute angel

Mix the white gouache with okra and draw an angel on the shoulders an oval head. Dung fill in her paint points, depicting curls. On the left at the hairstyle, put a few lighter points: the moon shines on the hair.

16 ways to draw a cute angel

Mix orange paint with white and depict a long triangle-directed head. Make it sides slightly curved inside, depicting a dull on which an angel played. Add a handle.

16 ways to draw a cute angel

Stick still Belil, so that the color of the body is. Schematically draw the arms and legs of the angel, literally with one broad stroke every one. Add the same paint glare to the pipe.

16 ways to draw a cute angel

With yellow, with the addition of white, draw on the left of the angel month. White paint put points in the center of yellow spots background, depicting the stars. Add a few more stars of different sizes on a blue background.

16 ways to draw a cute angel

From the largest stars, spend the rays to the sides, it is easier to make a semi-liquid paint. Start drawing at the bottom of the left winter landscape: Multiple white lines mark snow.

16 ways to draw a cute angel

The rounded movements depict the outlines of the trees, color rectangles to locate the billets of the houses.

16 ways to draw a cute angel

Above each house, spend a wide white bar, denoting a snowy roof. Draw the light yellow windows and brown trees trunks.

16 ways to draw a cute angel

Spend white tracks among the snowdrifts and near the houses, depart the hedge, similar to the shape on the rails with sleepers.

16 ways to draw a cute angel

Over the head of an angel, draw oval nimb. Type to a brush with liquid white paint and spray with small drops to the drawing, imitating the snow. Look for details here:

What else there are options

Such a colorful angel is even easier:

This picture is filled with a festive atmosphere:

And you can even decorate the interior:

How to draw an angel pencils

16 ways to draw a cute angel

What you need

  • Paper;
  • simple pencil 2b;
  • simple pencil 8b;
  • stupid or soft napkin;
  • Round shape (cover or coin);
  • Soft eraser, preferably with an acute end (you can cut the usual);
  • graphite powder (optional);
  • White gel pen (optional).

How to draw

Pencil 2B Draw an arc deposited up, it will be a head. Below, mark the wave of the cheek and a long stroke - the border of the hair on the other side.

16 ways to draw a cute angel

Draw the lower part of the head that leaves her thin neck and shoulders.

16 ways to draw a cute angel

From shoulders down directions outdoor hand contours. Spend the arc under the neck collar dresses, and below it draw folded palms. Near the left (with respect to you) Palm Lini, similar to the step, draw a blank for the sleeve.

16 ways to draw a cute angel

The same line is a portion of the sleeve on the other hand. Then dorisite the lower contours and both sleeves under the palms.

16 ways to draw a cute angel

Drawing lines draw a dress. Below connect them to the wave-like hemp.

16 ways to draw a cute angel

From the hairstyle of the angel on the sides, spend two straight, from them to lower the wavy arc to the waist contour of the wings.

16 ways to draw a cute angel

Spend the horizontal line on each wing. Draw circles of eyes, a small semicircle nose and a smile. Add Nimb Angel over the head, consisting of two ovals - one in the other.

16 ways to draw a cute angel

Slide your eyes, leaving white glare of pupils and eye proteins, similar to crescents. Draw cilia and eyebrows.

16 ways to draw a cute angel

Pencil 8B mark the shadows under the hair, along the probor and in the folds of the dresses.

16 ways to draw a cute angel

On the wings, depicting shadows, imitating feathers.

16 ways to draw a cute angel

Press the paper round shape, graphite powder walk through its contour and grow in. If there are no powers, the same can be made with a soft pencil.

16 ways to draw a cute angel

Drawn under the cloud angel, graphite or soft pencil under the angel. To give clouds more clear contours, go through its inner edges of the eraser.

16 ways to draw a cute angel

Just below the light circle, on its border, 2B pencil drew the pigeon, as shown in the picture, starting from the head and wing.

16 ways to draw a cute angel

Dorisite the second wing and the body of the pigeon.

16 ways to draw a cute angel

White gel handle Indicate the brightest patterns of drawing: pigeon, flare on the nimble, sun, cloud. If there are no knobs, then you just go through these sites with a clean eraser.

What else there are options

You can draw a more adult angel:

Or sad:

And more experienced artists will suit such instructions:

How to draw an angel pastel

16 ways to draw a cute angel

What you need

  • Paper for pastels;
  • Pastel set;
  • simple HB pencil;
  • simple pencil 8b;
  • Stupid or soft napkin.

How to draw

In the middle of the sheet of paper, draw a circle with yellow pastel and creep.

16 ways to draw a cute angel

Draw outside the previous circle another yellow circle. Also filter, but so that the outline of the first circle is a little guessed. By an external contour, add an orange background.

16 ways to draw a cute angel

We grow, smoothing the borders of yellow and orange.

16 ways to draw a cute angel

Add a little red and thoroughly in a thoroughly. It should be similar to the warm colors of the rainbow.

16 ways to draw a cute angel

Slide the very first circle with white. Growing, mix with yellow, applied to this site earlier. There should be a light yellow hue.

16 ways to draw a cute angel

Spend a few white concentric circles along the yellow and orange background and proceed to the drawing of the angel. Pencil HB depict an arc slightly above the center of the background, it will be a macushkin.

16 ways to draw a cute angel

Spend from the top of the hair line and start drawing raised wings from them. They are symmetrically located, the top line of the wing is almost straight, and separate feathers rise from it about equal intervals. The lower line is very curved, the outlines of the feathers on it are also visible, but they are more rounded. Wings rose over the top of the head of the head itself. Their scope should occupy most of the drawing, leaving only 2-3 centimeters on the sides of the background.

16 ways to draw a cute angel

From the bottom border of the wings down the dress of an angel. Indicate the beater bend slightly wider heads and noticeably expanding skirt.

16 ways to draw a cute angel

Under the wings, draw curved parallel lines of the hand, lowered along the honey. Black pastel labeam under the border of the land dress. Greet.

16 ways to draw a cute angel

Skin the angel or black pastel silhouette, or 8b pencil.

16 ways to draw a cute angel

Pencil 8B add grass on Earth. Earn details, lengthening feathers and grass and giving them a form. If something is not clear, use the video instruction:

What else there are options

Dark Angel White Pastel on Black Paper:

Crispy Cupid with onions and an arrow:

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