How to sew children's slippers with their own hands - master class and patterns for you!


How to sew children's slippers with their own hands - master class and patterns for you!

In this master class, I want to show how you can sew comfortable, soft, pretty children's slippers. Such slippers children will be happy to wear in cool weather. Pattern date on a child of 2 years.

The material was based on a welloft (you can replace it on a fleece, on a warmed footer and so on), the inner part of the slippers took the usual knitwear. The sole is an artificial suede that will be insulated with Vatin.

Children 2015.

We will need: two details of the main fabric, two details of the lining fabric.

On the sole: two parts made of artificial suede, two parts made of batting, two parts from knitwear.

On the ears we will need: four parts from Veltsoft, four details from knitwear.

And two details of the knitwear on the tails.


Let's start sewing from the ears. We take the pattern of the ears and translate into knitwear. Then the knitwear we apply to the versifet to the front sides inside, fix the pins and deposit the line.

Kids' things

Cut the allowances on the seams and turn.


This is what should happen:

Master Class

We take the top of the base. We celebrate the line of the middle of the upper edge.

By this middle, our ears are fixing the pins.

Master classes

We take the lining, apply to the ground with the front sides to each other and fix the pins. We deposit the line at the top edge. Do not forget to connect the line of the middle of the top edge. Stopped, cut the allowances on the seams.

Master Class

We take our future slippers, fold in half the facial sides inside and stead the back. Do not forget to trim points on the seams.

Master Class

Prepare the sole. We take batting to it apply the sole of artificial suede.

Fix the pins, we deposit the line along the edge.

How to sew children's slippers with their own hands - master class and patterns for you!

Now we take our future slippers. Fix the pins of the foundation from Velseloft and sole from artificial suede.

How to sew children's slippers with their own hands - master class and patterns for you!

Still. Cut the allowance on the seams.

How to sew children's slippers with their own hands - master class and patterns for you!

We also carry out the lining. Just do not forget to leave the hole somewhere 5 cm. Through it, we will turn our slippers.

How to sew children's slippers with their own hands - master class and patterns for you!

Stopped, cut the allowances on the seams and turned our slippers.

How to sew children's slippers with their own hands - master class and patterns for you!

How to sew children's slippers with their own hands - master class and patterns for you!

Hole sewing a secret seam.

How to sew children's slippers with their own hands - master class and patterns for you!

Insert the inner part of the subflade to the base.

We make our bunny of eyes. We celebrate the location of the eyes and sew beads. Eyes are ready.

How to sew children's slippers with their own hands - master class and patterns for you!

For a nose, I took bright pink threads Moulin. Made a nose.

How to sew children's slippers with their own hands - master class and patterns for you!

For tails made two pomponchik. Seed to slippers.

How to sew children's slippers with their own hands - master class and patterns for you!

How to sew children's slippers with their own hands - master class and patterns for you!

Got these beautiful children's slippers!

How to sew children's slippers with their own hands - master class and patterns for you!

How to sew children's slippers with their own hands - master class and patterns for you!

How to sew children's slippers with their own hands - master class and patterns for you!

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