Original table decor do it yourself, master classes


Original table decor do it yourself, master classes

Old tables can serve for a long time, if they correctly care for them. But sometimes the furniture is bored, I want something new. In this case, you can make the decor of the table with your own hands, suitable for any interior. Thus, without large investments, you can completely change the view of the living room, kitchen or workplace.

Major techniques

There are many ways to decorate the table with your own hands. It may seem difficult, but in fact, you need to have only an idea and free time. The quality decor of the table requires accuracy, patience, and not necessarily be an artist to create. There are two basic decoration methods:

    to separate the surface itself, disguise the shortcomings to completely change the type of furniture;

    Use decorative elements for decoration.

The second method is suitable for those who are satisfied with the quality of the surface and does not want to radically change the design. Desktop decorations are convenient - they can always be easily changed, without the cost of strength and time, every day updating the interior. Especially profitable original decor will look at the coffee table. An interesting tablecloth usually only emphasizes the beauty of the kitchen, but the workplace is better not to overload desktop decorations.

Before decorating a coffee table, you need to assess the status of the table top. From this will depend on the choice of a decoration method.

Original table decor do it yourself, master classes
Surface decor
Original table decor do it yourself, master classes
Use of decorative elements

Creative Table surface decoration methods

During the repair or simple interior change, the table decoration can radically change the situation. The number of possible jewelry is limited only by imagination. Some methods, as well as ideas for the decor, which is not difficult to implement:





    decorative scotch;

    tile and mosaic;


Découper with French translates as "cut." The essence of the method is to glue paper to the surface with the selected pattern, ornament or pattern. You can use everything:

    newspapers, book magazines or notebooks;

    Family photos;

    unnecessary pieces of wallpaper;

    disposable napkins with an interesting ornament;

    Original pictures printed on the usual color printer.

The list is not limited to these items, they are only most common. The technique of such a decor for the table is simple: the surface is covered with glue, lay the selected items in a certain order, smoothed by roller. After the glue dries, the countertop is treated with several layers of varnish.

Smoothing roller elements, you need to follow so that there are no bubbles.

Painting is the most common way to restore furniture. For home, acrylic compositions are most often used: they are non-toxic, easily fall, quickly dry, are better suited for internal works. For street tables, alkyd mixtures are chosen, which pushed moisture and create a solid coating. For the painting process, you can use different techniques and tools to get the necessary texture. It must be followed by a certain procedure:

    Remove the old paint using sandpaper, large defects and cracks are primed;

    walk the primer over the entire surface;

    After drying, pollute it with sandpaper, remove dust;

    Apply several layers of paint until the uniform tone is obtained;

    Covered with varnish.

Ceramic or glass sections, if any, it is necessary, before painting you need to stick with a scotch, so as not to stain.

With the help of painting it is possible to implement various ideas of the table decor, but the complex patterns are hard to fulfill without proper skills. Preparing the surface before work, you need the same as before painting. If the drawing is planned to be a background, then you need to paint it immediately before applying painting. Success can be achieved if you precisely think about the pattern by making a pencil sketch.

Do not get upset if the painting does not go out: those who have a lot of ideas for the decor, but there are no necessary skills, it is worth staying on stencils. To create them, you can use plastic, traction or simple sheet of paper. You must draw or print the pattern and cut down. There are two main ways to use a stencil:

    The paint is applied inside the holes, after removal of the stencil remains a smooth color pattern;

    Stencil is used to avoid staining certain places.

Stencil must be glued to the surface of scotch, so that it is accidentally not to move it during operation.

Decorative scotch or self-adhesive film - material that is used to decorate any furniture at home. Products are available in rolls, have a different width, colors and drawings. In addition, there are models with an additional protective layer: it protects them from elevated temperatures and humidity, which is especially important for the kitchen table.

For the decor of the table, with their own hands using a mosaic or tile, they use both the finished material and everything that is available at home. It can be: broken plates, tile, ceramics, glass, shells, stones. Before gluing a mosaic, it is necessary to shut it on the surface, see different patterns of the pattern and fix the one that most liked the most. The glue is applied to each piece separately, such a painstaking work may take a lot of time. This method is especially well suited for the decoration of the coffee table with their own hands or decorating garden furniture.

The backlight table will accurately attract attention. LED tapes are attached to the surface of the furniture to get bright, but soft light. Suitable for both decorating the coffee table and computer. However, for the embodiment of this idea, certain knowledge in the field of electricians will be required. For this reason, how to decorate the coffee table, it is worth thinking before the start of all works.

Original table decor do it yourself, master classes
Original table decor do it yourself, master classes
Original table decor do it yourself, master classes
Original table decor do it yourself, master classes
Original table decor do it yourself, master classes
Decorative Scotch
Original table decor do it yourself, master classes
Original table decor do it yourself, master classes

Desktop Decor.

The most familiar to many ways to decorate is to lay a tablecloth or oilcloth. They bring extra comfort and protect the surface from contamination and mechanical damage. Of course, if the countertop is specially decorated, it is sorry to hide it under the cloth, even beautiful. The harmonious distribution of the desktop decor will decorate any room.

The decorative composition on the surface of the dining or kitchen table is usually located in the center. Most often it is a vase with alive or artificial flowers, the devices are placed around the axes around the axes. Other popular options are:


    dishes with fruits or vegetables (their tint can additionally emphasize the interior of the room and give the kitchen comfort);

    transparent containers with filling (it can be candy, nuts, coffee beans, marmalade or simply beads);

    Defense with water, kettle or coffee pot.

Due to the variety of choice, you can create a different design and change it daily.

In addition to the central composition, a kitchen or dining table can be decorated with cutlets and coats under the dishes. In addition to beauty, they will also protect the surface of the decorated product from scratches and spots. Their advantage is that elements can be easily changed.

First of all, the workplace should be practical, so the best decoration will be a clear organization. There are many ways to decorate a working and computer desk with your own hands. Organizers for paper and office can be made independently from canned cans, saved by special scotch - they will be unique and perfectly fit into the interior.

Many wonder how to decorate a computer desk without special costs. The best solution will be an uncomplicated statuette. It is also worth choosing a lamp in the same style for sufficient lighting, after which the desktop is ready for operation. And in order to add the interior of freshness, the living flowers in the pot are perfectly suitable, located in the corner.

You can put a variety of things on the coffee table. An interesting option is to place frames with photos of loved ones. Just as in the case of dining, it is possible to decorate the coffee table with the help of the central composition. And just like writing, it requires additional lighting. Magazine tables most often put lamps or backlit.

For garden furniture, the idea of ​​the table with flower is perfect. In the center of the subject cut hole, where the pot with a plant is inserted. Sowing in the garden with such furniture will be even more pleasant.

Original table decor do it yourself, master classes
Original table decor do it yourself, master classes
Decorative vegetables
Original table decor do it yourself, master classes
Transparent tanks
Original table decor do it yourself, master classes
Dining tracks
Original table decor do it yourself, master classes
Photo on the coffee table
Original table decor do it yourself, master classes
Computer table design
Original table decor do it yourself, master classes
Garden table with flower

Color combinations

The correct combination of colors in the interior will help to achieve harmony. To create a suitable design with your own hands, you need to follow the basic principles of combining shades. For example, for decoration in the classic style, the tables of light, warm tones are chosen. They can be placed in any room, even in the nursery. Designer tables for modern styles are more common in darker and cold colors.

White and black are combined with all the shades of the color palette. In other cases, the decor must be selected individually. The basic recommendations on the combination are presented in the table.

Tint of Table.

Color decisions for decor


Green, Blue, Yellow, Gray


Burgundy, brown, gray


Blue, green, purple, burgundy


Green, brown, red


Beige, gray, blue, orange


Gray, Brown, Yellow, Red


Green, Yellow, Blue, Orange


Green, Pink, Blue, Gray

To understand how to decorate the table, you need to remember the rules: it should be darker the walls and the lighter of the floor. The easiest way to choose a suitable decoration is to take the main shade of furniture and look at the color circle of two or three nearest tones. This method often enjoy professional designers. You can also perform the decor under the color of the wall or the rest of the furniture. So he will definitely be combined with the interior.

Decorating Master Class

With the finished idea of ​​the decor of the table - it's easy, only a desire is needed. Numerous master classes will help determine the most suitable option. They will be useful for those who are already familiar with the foundations of the decor.

Surface of the old table

The painting of a wooden table with stencils may not be as difficult as it seems. We need only patience, accuracy and tools. The painting can serve as an excellent way of decor of the old table. To work, you will need paints, brushes, tracing, tape, and, of course, the furniture itself. Sequencing:

    Prepare the surface, apply the first layer of paint.

    Cut the flooring with a worktop size, put on the table, outline the frame, draw the pattern.

    Place the frame on the worktop, stick with scotch and punish. Remove the adhesive tape.

    Cut the stencils of colors, stick to the tabletop, squeak.

    Spread the stencil and adjacent to correct the shape of the pattern with a thin tassel.

For stencils it is convenient to use special paper with finished marking.

Original table decor do it yourself, master classes
Tools and Materials for Design Tabletop
Original table decor do it yourself, master classes
Prepare the surface
Original table decor do it yourself, master classes
We apply the first layer of paint
Original table decor do it yourself, master classes
On the tabletop putting a tracker, draw a pattern and frame
Original table decor do it yourself, master classes
Location the borders of the frame on the tabletop
Original table decor do it yourself, master classes
We stick with scotch and stain
Original table decor do it yourself, master classes
Remove the malarious tape and get perfectly flat lines
Original table decor do it yourself, master classes
Cut the stencils of colors, glit to the tabletop
Original table decor do it yourself, master classes
Apply paint on stencil
Original table decor do it yourself, master classes
Spread stencil
Original table decor do it yourself, master classes
As needed to form a flower shape with a brush

Original table decor do it yourself, master classes

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