Colorful patterns created by needle and thread: needlework Instagram week


Balja wound Ulker masterly uses color, creating magnificent embroidered patterns.

Colorful patterns created by needle and thread: needlework Instagram week

About the author of the page

Colorful patterns created by needle and thread: needlework Instagram week

Wound Balja Ulker lives in Turkey, in Istanbul. She studied working with textiles and elegant arts, and this finds an expression in its colorful and realistic embroidered works.

Colorful patterns created by needle and thread: needlework Instagram week

Colorful patterns created by needle and thread: needlework Instagram week

Colorful patterns created by needle and thread: needlework Instagram week

What is this page

Colorful patterns created by needle and thread: needlework Instagram week

Embroidery our heroine is rather reminiscent of scenic works, virtuoso and thin it uses color, performing stitches, as if putting brush strokes. The fine game of shades and attention to the smallest detail makes her works very interesting: I want to see each nuance attentively.

Colorful patterns created by needle and thread: needlework Instagram week

Colorful patterns created by needle and thread: needlework Instagram week

Colorful patterns created by needle and thread: needlework Instagram week

Who will be interested in this page

Colorful patterns created by needle and thread: needlework Instagram week

We recommend this page to everyone who loves embroidery.

Colorful patterns created by needle and thread: needlework Instagram week

Colorful patterns created by needle and thread: needlework Instagram week

Colorful patterns created by needle and thread: needlework Instagram week

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