Simple "Dedovsky" way to transfer mice in the house



When winter is approaching, rodents and pests stretch to those places where there is something to eat in the hungry and cold time. Traditionally, these "places" are warehouses, barns and houses of people. There are many ways to combat rodents, but not all of them are equally good. Fortunately, there is one simple truly "Dedovsky" method, which should be mounted.

The general principle resembles a swing. / Photo:

The general principle resembles a swing.

So, in order to transfer all rodents in the house, you will need only three things. The first is some kind of bait with sharp (for mice) by smell. Perfectly suitable smoked sausage or thyroid cheese. The second is an empty bottle. It is best to take a bottle of lemonade. Also need a wire, thick and durable.

Caught! / Photo:


The mechanism of work the trap is simple as a steam turnip. The vessel cover is removed. At the very bottom of the bottle laid a bait in a small amount. After that, you need to try to determine where the mice nest. Make it may not be easy. By installing at least about such a place, we collect a trap. To do this, we do a hole in the bottle and insert it into it wire. After that, bend it so that it turned out the legs. The whole design should resemble a swing.

Important : It is best to fix the entire design on a wooden basis and to pause to it, which will act as a cover for the trap. It is necessary to install the bottle so that her neck looked up until the mouse is inside.

About so. / Photo:

About so.

As a result, the mice will feel the bait and get into the bottle. In most cases, due to the slippery surface, the rodents will not be able to leave. And most importantly, under the weight of the rodent, the "swing" is triggered, the bottle is lowered and its neck closes with a tree. There is no longer exit for rodent.

Now you can release away from home. / Photo:

Now you can release away from home.

Ultimately, it will only be left to throw a bottle. If there is a desire, you can try to cut off the neck and release mice somewhere away from home.

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