6 Errors in recipes with potatoes, because of which and puree it turns out with a lump, and fried not so crust


6 Errors in recipes with potatoes, because of which and puree it turns out with a lump, and fried not so crust

Potatoes are a universal product with which you can cook a lot of simple and at the same time very tasty dishes. Usually cooking does not take much time and even using the recipe, so well everyone knows what to do. But however, it turns out that in such a simple matter, as cooking dishes from potatoes, there are special nuances, without which the taste will not be so refined and rich. Most people allow the same errors in choosing an oil, time when the salt is added, or even in the potato variety. Avoiding them will help a selection of ordinary tips.

1. Baked potatoes completely

Take the divine taste help trivia. Photo: I.Ytimg.com

Take the divine taste help trivia.

So that baked potatoes really appetizing, before cooking it needs to be carefully dried. Best of all after the potato is washed, wipe it, and then give it to finally dry for about 15 minutes. Then you need all the fruits into the fork several times, and then lubricate with oil. Preparing baked potatoes in the oven, it is advisable to put the dish at the middle rack at a temperature of 200 degrees. Potatoes should become perfect in an hour, however, for more lards, it may take another 10 minutes. Check availability It is more convenient for the whole fork: it should be easily logged, and there is a slightly hugging of the shell on top.

2. Potato mashed potatoes

The key to the perfect puree is the correctly selected potato grade. Photo: I.Ytimg.com

The key to the perfect puree is the correctly selected potato grade.

Potato mashed potatoes - one of the most particularly beloved and often preparing in the kitchen dishes. And it is in it that can be allowed many critical errors. Cooking your puree is best of all of the grade of potatoes with a high starch content, usually these are root-brown root. It is such a variety that will provide the dish as easy and air consistency. To cook, put potatoes in a saucepan with cold water, but only then increase the fire. As soon as the water boils, you need to salt potatoes thicken. Before adding milk, cream or oil into finished potatoes, the ingredients need to be heated in a separate container. For whipping, it is better not to use the kitchen processor - it will make potatoes too viscous. The best choice is a regular whin or a mixer nozzle.

3. Potato Fr.

Potatoes Friend - favorite delicacy of many adults and children. / Photo: rusunion.com

Potatoes Friend - favorite delicacy of many adults and children.

Get crispy frog potatoes helps soaking. Reliable product from excess starch helps a half-hour holiday in cold water, after which the potatoes need to rinse and dunk for another 15 minutes. Thanks to this procedure, free will not burn and get a uniform crispy crust. After soaking, the potatoes need to dry well, but only then cook in deep, heating oil in deep and durable dishes. For a better effect, culinary masters recommend frying potatoes twice: the first time for a few minutes until it becomes soft, then you need to get it and dried with a kitchen towel, then fry the second time - at a higher temperature to achieve a delicious crispy crust.

4. Roasted potato pieces

It is possible to achieve a magical taste only with the help of several simple but important secrets. / Photo: Telegraf.com.ua

It is possible to achieve a magical taste only with the help of several simple but important secrets.

The biggest mistake that most people are allowed when roasting potatoes: cut it into pieces, poured with oil and send into the oven. The fried potatoes prepared in this way will be outside the burnt, but inside not fully cooked. To get the ideal, you need to pre-prepare slices of potatoes in boiling water. Partially cooked potatoes must be thickened in a saucepan to "explode" a little, which will subsequently fry better. It usually grabs about 20 minutes in the oven, so that the dish is completely prepared, but it all depends on the variety and age of potatoes.

The taste of the dish largely depends on the correct choice of potatoes and its freshness. / Photo: img.TYT.BY

The taste of the dish largely depends on the correct choice of potatoes and its freshness.

Useful information from NOVATE.RU: Whatever recipe you use or potato variety did not buy, it is necessary to pay attention to the duration of product storage. Potatoes contains a lot of solarin, the volume of which in a long time lying potatoes increases significantly and is already with difficulty excreted from the body, and can even lead to illness. To determine in potato hazardous level of solarine help noticeable green areas on the upper or lower layer of peel, as well as numerous sprouts or crosses of the fetus.

5. Board potatoes salads

Salads with boiled potatoes are obtained at the same time very gentle and satisfying. / Photo: v.img.com.ua

Salads with boiled potatoes are obtained at the same time very gentle and satisfying.

One of the most common mistakes when using boiled potatoes in salads - it is digested. It is enough to wait until the product can easily flush for a fork, and it's time to turn off the fire. It is also very important to rush to salt the water to prepare the potatoes, which is in fact the only opportunity to adequately saline salad, when each of his ingredients himself has already had a salt of salt. Another important point: refuel potatoes at the right time. If the role of refueling in the salad plays mayonnaise, then it needs to be added in about half an hour before serving on the table, but only after the potatoes cools to room temperature. If the oil acts as a refueling, then add it best in warm potatoes so that it can absorb all the aroma and useful components.

6. Delicious soups and stew

The secret of the perfect soup is in choosing the right potato variety. / Photo: pronto-costo.info

The secret of the perfect soup is in choosing the right potato variety.

If you want to get the raffens thick soup, then it is best to choose potatoes with a high starch content. But for whole pieces it is recommended to buy pink potato varieties. In addition, it is important to add this ingredient to the soup at the right moment: if you slowly cook soup for several hours to get the delicate pieces of potatoes, which will and appetizing and delicate taste, add potatoes no earlier than an hour before the end of cooking.

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