Pure truth: 4 facts about how to remove infection from the smartphone that everyone should know


Pure truth: 4 facts about how to remove infection from the smartphone that everyone should know

Do you know that the phone is a real seatingman for microbes? According to numerous studies, the surface of most mobile is dirtier than the toilet seat. At Michigan University, Michigan considered 27 smartphones of ordinary high school students and found on average 17 thousand bacteria on each device.

Many use disinfecting napkins to clean the surface of the phone, but are they so safe for gadgets? Learn how to protect your smartphone and yourself from infections from our material.

When we want to get rid of microbes quickly, in most cases we take disinfecting napkins. They are fighting well with pollution and are convenient to use. But is it possible to clean the surface of the phone with them? It turns out that when it comes to electronic devices, wet disinfecting napkins can spoil them. But do not be discouraged: There are other effective ways to deal with harmful bacteria on your gadgets.

Disinfecting napkins contain chemicals that can damage the smartphone screen

Pure truth: 4 facts about how to remove infection from the smartphone that everyone should know
The composition of disinfecting napkins can include vinegar, chlorine and alcohol, which cannot be used to clean the phone screen. In modern models of smartphones, the screens have a oleophobic coating so that the surfaces do not remain prints. Deficious chemicals can destroy this protection.

The unknown parts of the phone - the back cover, cover and charging - are less susceptible to the negative effect of disinfectants. But it is possible to use wet wipes for them only after squeezing the liquid. Nevertheless, gadgets are still at risk.

Humidity - an important problem

Pure truth: 4 facts about how to remove infection from the smartphone that everyone should know
The solution that is impregnated with napkins can adversely affect the smartphone not only due to the chemical composition, but also due to the humidity, as such. If you want to clean the surface of the phone, it is better to apply disinfectant on a rag without a pile and wipe the device. So you can monitor the amount of fluid. When using wet napkins on the surface of electronic devices, they must be well squeezed. Remember that any disinfect solution requires several minutes of contact with the surface to act effectively.

It is better to use a rag from microfiber instead of wet napkins

Pure truth: 4 facts about how to remove infection from the smartphone that everyone should know
Regular cleaning of the surface of the phone with a rag - the best way to get rid of microbes. Disinfectant napkins can be abrasive, and microfiber allows you to avoid scratches and remove contaminants. For greater efficiency, a small amount of diluted solution of medical alcohol can be used. Note: To destroy bacteria, the alcohol solution should be at least 60 - 90%.

Case - a safe solution to protect the smartphone from microorganisms

Pure truth: 4 facts about how to remove infection from the smartphone that everyone should know
Put on the phone case, which completely closes it. Thus, bacteria will not fall directly to your device, and the case can be safely handled by any disinfectants. If the case is waterproof, then this can be done without even removing the smartphone out of it.

Fighting bacteria using UV radiation

Pure truth: 4 facts about how to remove infection from the smartphone that everyone should know
There is a special device for the destruction of bacteria on the phone with ultraviolet. The adaptation of the PhonesoAP kills 99.9% of microbes and viruses on the surface of the device with UV radiation in 10 minutes. The device can also be used for disinfection of other small items - keys, consoles and credit cards.

Everyone knows that you can not use smartphones too long, but few people think about why? Scientists have conducted a series of studies and found out that excessive sticking in phones can cause 5 serious diseases.

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