Incredibly realistic dolls from Alena Abramova


Incredibly realistic dolls from Alena Abramova
Russian beauty

Some faces and images of their dolls Master from the Ivanovo region Alyona Abramova invents herself. Sometimes Alena creates his creations in the image and likeness of living people. It turns out incredible!

That's what Alena Abramova writes about himself on his page at the Fair of Masters:

"I am an artist by profession and in life. She graduated from the Balcon School, in 2004, before that there was an attempt to obtain the usual, human education in the Russian Academy of Tourism (Moscow). But I did not help me strangle this in myself! Fate threw me in the holly (center of Lakakova miniatures). And before you fell in love with myself this little piece of Russia, that I am still delighted with silence and nature. It can only appreciate the city man! Nature and silence are the best teachers for the artist. No flower science and compositions come with them in comparison! And they will not give the fact that it gives just a careful observation of the world. And the spark of God in the soul, intuition is much more than a bunch of diplomas.

And he has always painted, even before art education (it is rather for the "tick" in a personal case).

The artist is not a job, but a lifestyle. As our team teacher said: "Our profession God gave us in a good mood and with closed eyes" ... "

Incredibly realistic dolls from Alena Abramova
Incredibly realistic dolls from Alena Abramova
Incredibly realistic dolls from Alena Abramova
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Incredibly realistic dolls from Alena Abramova
Incredibly realistic dolls from Alena Abramova
Incredibly realistic dolls from Alena Abramova
Incredibly realistic dolls from Alena Abramova
Incredibly realistic dolls from Alena Abramova
Incredibly realistic dolls from Alena Abramova
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Incredibly realistic dolls from Alena Abramova

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