Fairytale house


Stones, bark trees, branch, moss, lichens and a little fantasy ...

I have long been dreaming to settle in a small cozy house in a secluded place, so I wanted to make a fairy tale with your own hands .. For a start, a frame made of a bottle and a catrog box. Burled them together, gave the necessary shape with pieces of cardboard, reloaded the surface ... Then made the windows - first tulle, then "glass" - cut out of a plastic bottle, then the frame - from decorative moldings (remained from finishing furniture) ...

That's somehow so the window looks in the finished form.

In the same manner made the door - from the same moldings and films for the wrath of furniture.

It's time to learn the craft of the bricklayer - the pebbles glued on the woods on the tree, because the moment of Extra (in a gun under the gun) was not at the hand of his beloved glue (in a tube) - held quite decently!


For the roofs first made a cardboard basis, then covered with tiles of flakes of fir bumps ...

The house is almost ready

It remains to add minor details and arrange the courtyard - put a tree, put the platform in front of the house tiled from the bark of trees ... Likement of moss and lichen ... And here is ready!


And what do we, people, for happiness need?

Cozy house, his place,

So that it smelled delicious to live together

Two halves, two little man ...

So that tea with jam in your favorite mug,

Pots with flowers, sofa, two chairs,

And so that in the kitchen clock with a cuckoo,

And let me eat ... so interesting ...

To a TV with a large screen,

And on the sofa, bypassing the plaid,

And so that tomorrow is not very early -

Sleep calmly ... let it ...

So that the shelf of books, a box of discs,

All that heats, reminds ...

Sit quietly, so close-close

Such happiness ... And there, who knows ...

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