Fly vest with cardoches and fleece collar


Fly vest with cardoches and fleece collar

Usually they say: "Prepare Sani in the summer" - we did it. In August, I managed to get out one week to Belarus to my wonderful girlfriend Ole. Under its leadership and with its help I got a pair of magic silver feltships. We also conducted experiences on the use of Cardiches in clothes, and I brought this idea home. I hope you also appreciate it.

In the ensemble to the boots, we will make a valley vest with the addition of Cardiches and a separate, luxurious fluster collar.

We will need: Australian Merinos 18 Micron and Cardoches (approximate consumption I recorded a table at the end of the master class), 200 grams of fleece Shetland, 40 grams of viscose and lace for decor.

Fly vest with cardoches and fleece collar

As a basis, take the pattern of a vest with a classic chalet collar.

! Should be considered that the final shrinkage of the collar with the fleece is less than the shrinkage of the vest; Therefore, before starting work, measure the estimated length of the collar and multiply to the coefficient 1.25 (which corresponds to a 20% wool shrinkage) - this will be enough.

Fly vest with cardoches and fleece collar

Initially, we will deal with a collar; We decide on the wrong viscose clouds.

Fly vest with cardoches and fleece collar

Welcome warm soap solution.

Fly vest with cardoches and fleece collar

We decide the fur into two layers according to the scheme; Welcome, we carry out a mesh, form the edges - prepare the surface to work.

Fly vest with cardoches and fleece collar

Fly vest with cardoches and fleece collar
Fly vest with cardoches and fleece collar

We disassemble the fleece into individual curls and begin to lay out the edge of the collar.

Fly vest with cardoches and fleece collar

Cut the block of 2-3 cm wide from the additional detail of the collar.

Fly vest with cardoches and fleece collar

Fly vest with cardoches and fleece collar

The next row of kudreys decay the ends on top of the block, and the roots moisturize and rub through the mesh.

Fly vest with cardoches and fleece collar

Fly vest with cardoches and fleece collar

We repeat these actions until the free field of the collar is over.

Fly vest with cardoches and fleece collar

Fly vest with cardoches and fleece collar

So, the flat laying is over and the collar is ready for further actions.

Fly vest with cardoches and fleece collar

I turn over and remove the template.

Fly vest with cardoches and fleece collar

Turn the collar is better from the wrongness until the fleece dials appear from the wrong side - so curls will be less coming together.

Fly vest with cardoches and fleece collar

Ride a little in the roll.

Fly vest with cardoches and fleece collar

When curls are firmly in place, you can remove blocks.

Fly vest with cardoches and fleece collar

Fly vest with cardoches and fleece collar

We continue to dumping; We try to raise kudri so that they do not fit to the base.

Fly vest with cardoches and fleece collar

Fly vest with cardoches and fleece collar

Align the inner edge, press, we smash ...

Fly vest with cardoches and fleece collar

Fly vest with cardoches and fleece collar

The collar is ready: I ​​put it aside and proceed to the vest.

Fly vest with cardoches and fleece collar

We decompose the viscose clouds, wetting warm water.

Fly vest with cardoches and fleece collar

Fly vest with cardoches and fleece collar

We fold the wool in two thin layers: horizontal and vertical.

Fly vest with cardoches and fleece collar

Fly vest with cardoches and fleece collar

Welcome, rub the basis.

Fly vest with cardoches and fleece collar

We take thin clouds of cardoches, stretch them with a smooth layer on the surface.

Fly vest with cardoches and fleece collar

Wash the soap solution, rub over the mesh.

Fly vest with cardoches and fleece collar

Add lace along the waist line.

Fly vest with cardoches and fleece collar

We turn the back detail, proceed to the shelf layout in the same way.

Fly vest with cardoches and fleece collar

Fly vest with cardoches and fleece collar

Align open edges, bending the allowances.

Fly vest with cardoches and fleece collar

Fly vest with cardoches and fleece collar

Lay out cardoches clouds; Welcome, rub through the mesh.

Fly vest with cardoches and fleece collar

Fly vest with cardoches and fleece collar

Special attention is paid to the sections of the fold, we carry them into the plane.

Fly vest with cardoches and fleece collar

Fly vest with cardoches and fleece collar

Similarly, you prepare the second shelf.

Fly vest with cardoches and fleece collar

Prettyly carry and remove the vest from the template.

Fly vest with cardoches and fleece collar

Fly vest with cardoches and fleece collar

Fly vest until readiness for the first fitting; Similar to previous classes (rolling in a roll in various directions, strengthen the open edges, etc.)

After fitting, we determine the emphasis on which special attention should be paid, finish the work and leave to dry on the shoulders or a mannequin.

Fly vest with cardoches and fleece collar

Final finish: Send the loop on the collar, and on the neck of the vest - buttons on the braid.

Fly vest with cardoches and fleece collar

Fly vest with cardoches and fleece collar

Snow winter had to wait long, but finally, she came to our edges:

Fly vest with cardoches and fleece collar

Fly vest with cardoches and fleece collar

MK shared love Voronin.

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