Eternal calendar "Alice in Wonderland"


Since childhood, the fairy tales surrounded us everywhere, we loved to listen to them in the crib, when they fell asleep for the night, moms told them in their free time from worries, and we listened to them with an open mouth and as if dissolved in these stories.

Today I would like to plunge into the same fairy tale from early age - this is a fairy tale called "Alice in Wonderland". Remember what a breathtaking story, about different worlds, measurements, about beautiful animals, a mirror and, of course, it is impossible to forget this hero as a mysterious rabbit.

Let's leave for myself forever remembrance about him and create an eternal calendar in the technique of decoupage with his participation.

To work, we will need a certain material:

  • Billet of the eternal calendar of the tree;
  • Patina black bituminous;
  • White acrylic paint;
  • Sponge for applying paint;
  • Acrylic varnish;
  • PVA glue;
  • Printing rabbit on a napkin or white ordinary paper;
  • Brush;
  • Text with wisdom;
  • Scotch.

Eternal calendar

Mastery of the eternal calendar do it yourself begin with the foundation - stain a blank in white acrylic paint. We apply the first layer of paint, then let it dry, and we will apply another repeated layer. Let's passion to dry out. Color the same and cubes with straps.

Eternal calendar

Now we take our central picture. If you use a picture printed on ordinary paper, it will need to be thinned with a scotch. We glue the reverse side of the tape and dramatically remove. Do not overdo it in order not to break the drawing. But we will offer another very simple option. Take a simple napkin white or bottom layer from any napkin for decoupage, which we usually throw away. We glue it with the help of a painting tape or the same tape to the A4 format paper from above. Cut it on the paper size. Then insert the sheet into the printer and print a picture on the napkin. Here is ready for us a picture!

Eternal calendar

Eternal calendar

Let's break the picture with your hands on the edges. Note for yourself its stitching.

Eternal calendar

We will make a napkin in the center and, ranging from the center, start smoothing it together with PVA glue. Be very neat, spending several times in the same place with a tassel. The drawing can be broken. Therefore, act quickly and with light pressed, while the air is expelled from under the napkin.

Eternal calendar

We take a patina and a cloth with a tassel.

Eternal calendar

On top of the white acrylic paint, we begin to put the patina with strokes and almost immediately rubbing it with a cloth. It remains such a shape effect.

Eternal calendar

We do it around the workpiece, as shown in the figure.

Eternal calendar

Now take stencils with numbers and months. They are self-adhesive. We glue them for each side.

Eternal calendar

Crouch them with black acrylic paints. Remove after stencils - do not forget to rinse them!

Eternal calendar

Also miss and rectangles with months.

Eternal calendar

We assume everything to dry.

Eternal calendar

From the bottom of the eternal calendar on the stand we will put your author's stamp if you have it.

Eternal calendar

All dried! We prepare acrylic varnish. We look at all the details in two layers with intermediate drying. Stop everything to dry on the day.

Eternal calendar

We fold the calendar in parts into one - everything is ready!

Eternal calendar

Here is such a wonderful gift! Eternal calendar is a universal gift for any person. And you did everything?

Eternal calendar

Eternal calendar

Eternal calendar

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