Laying ceramic tiles on the floor


Proper laying of tiles on the floor of the bathroom, toilet, kitchen - guarantee of cleanliness and durability. Therefore, the event should be taken seriously. In this article, we will describe the laying process, consider in detail some nuances and possible problems.

Laying ceramic tiles on the floor

It will take:

  • Ceramic tile;
  • Tile glue;
  • Grout;
  • Primer;
  • Waterproofing;
  • Roulette;
  • Putty knife;
  • Roller / brush;
  • Level;
  • Crossings.

Before buying the purchase of ceramic tiles for the floor, measure the size of the room as accurately as possible to eliminate the error in the amount of material. Calculating the required amount of tile, add another tenth of the total number to the result. It will be insurance against possible marriage.

Floor preparation for tile

If there is an old flooring, it must be deleted. If the concrete base of the floor is uneven, has too many cracks, pits, buggers, then they can be eliminated by a cement tie. According to construction standards, the time of complete cement coverage is 28 days. However, the modern market offers many varieties of blending floors, with a much smaller drying period. When using such mixtures, pay attention to the composition. Some mixtures producers add special hardeners to prevent the premature moisture loss. These additives form a thin film on the surface of cement. This film prevents the good adhesion of glue with a screed.

With minor defects of the concrete base, cracks and pits can be sealed with cement mortar or tiled glue.

Laying ceramic tiles on the floor

The second stage of the preparation of the floor under the tile - primer and waterproofing. First, we applied the roller or brush, then with a spatula, the first layer of waterproofing. When the first layer starts to push, we apply the second. We are waiting for complete drying.

Marking. We make up on paper in the cell laying plan. Each cell is one tile. In the resulting scheme, we determine the main lines of the laying direction. Then we transfer the markup to the floor.

When choosing a direct method of laying, it should be remembered that the flattering of the laying pattern is determined by the division of the floor into four parts (using rope from each angle). With a diagonal laying of tiles, additional support lines are used, directed from the center of the room to the walls at an angle of 45º.

Laying tiles on the floor

It is desirable that the ceramic tile for the floor was wet. Pulk it for a while in the water. Wet tile when contact with cement-adhesive solution will not take into itself moisture and securely secured on the base of the floor.

We are dragging tile glue. How to do it, read on the package of the mixture. Also pay attention to the information about the room temperature. Many do not observe the temperature regime, and this leads to premature destruction of cement-adhesive composition.

How to put a tile on the floor. According to the rules, the laying should be started from the angle of crossing the marking lines, where the first row of whole tiles will be.

We apply glue to the base and the gear spatula align the layer. The solution layer should not exceed the thickness of the tile itself.

Keep in mind, tile glue quickly freezes. Therefore, on the floor, apply the amount of the mixture with the calculation of 1-3 tiles.

Laying ceramic tiles on the floor

We put on the solution to the tile, slightly reducing it. Check that she clearly lay in terms of all diagonals. We put another couple of pieces and also thoroughly check everything in terms of level. Subsequent tiles are not necessary to check. The distance between the tiles should be the same. To achieve this, we use plastic crosses (remote separators).

Intergraph seam is usually 3 mm. However, in rooms with a non-permanent temperature regime, the width of the seam is increased to 9 mm.

Laying ceramic tiles on the floor

The cut tile is laid in the last place when the whole whole is already laid.

Thus, laying the tiles on the floor. After the work is completed, we are waiting for 24 hours and proceed to the grout.

Laying ceramic tiles on the floor

Grout. We divorce the grouting composition and rub it with a rubber spatula in the seams. There is nothing complicated in this, the main thing is to remember that if the grouting do not wash on time, then it will firmly sucks for the tile. So immediately after the grout, you need to remove it excess from the surface.

On this, the laying of ceramic tiles on the floor is fully completed. The operation of the floor is desirable to start not earlier than in 10-12 days.

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