Florarium do it yourself



"What a fantastic aquarium! How much greens! " - admiringly telling those who first saw the flurarium. "Wait," they immediately notice, "" And where is the fish? " The whole thing is that with the external similarity with the aquarium, the flurarium has the main difference - it is not filled with water and only plants are in it. Is it possible to make such a unique structure like a flurarium, with your own hands? For a passionate, creative person there is nothing impossible! Try to arrange a glass mini-garden in your house for indoor plants, and it will be the subject of your pride and a place to relax and relaxation. And we, as always, will try to help you with advice and give the necessary recommendations!

Florarium do it yourself

What is flurarium

When in the early XVII century, English scientist Nathaniel Ward decided to put tropical plants into a closed space, he thus created conditions for them as close as possible to natural. Of course, he could not suspect that he marked the beginning of a whole direction in bedroom flowering. Plants from the tropics in closed containers with increased humidity and constant temperature have become massively delivered to Europe, they began to grow in greenhouses, pavilions and winter gardens.

But to arrange a real greenhouse, highlighting for her a spacious room and equipped with everything necessary, there were few people on my pocket. It was only very wealthy people to make such a luxury, therefore, flurariums received the greatest spread - small greenhouses for rooms. And in the twentieth century, with the invention of new waterproof plastic materials, flurarals began their truly triumphal march, decorating the interiors and delivering an unforgettable pleasure from contemplating such magnificence.

How to make a flurarium do it yourself - step-by-step instructions

Florarium do it yourself

Choose a place for flurarm

  • If you decide to arrange a flurarium in your apartment, select the best place for it, which is always in sight and in the spotlight. Orient the entire flower composition so that it "face" has been addressed to you and appeared in the winning light in the very winning light both at the entrance to the room and from any other point of the room.

  • It is absolutely not necessary to place a flurarium near the window, because its design assumes, among other cunning devices, an additional backlight. Artificial lighting looks very beautiful, moreover, its intensity can be adjusted and sent to various sides.

  • The best solution for the flurarium device is a circular design to which there is access from all sides, while the backlight is mounted in the upper cover of the structure. Plant observation becomes a very exciting occupation, their development and condition can be easily controlled.

  • The magnitude of your flurarium should take into account the volume of the entire room, too large showcases instead of home decoration can become cumbersome, clumsy and uncomfortable.

Florarium do it yourself

Florarium and its design

  • You can, of course, try to make a strorarium container with your own hands. Perhaps you are a professional wizard for the manufacture of aquariums? Then this task is full for you. The rest, that is, the overwhelming majority, we advise you to apply just to such professionals. The master specialist will tell both the best design for your facility, and will help with the choice of the most winning place for "housing" of your plants. An individual approach is, without which it is not necessary to do in the process of manufacturing a flurarm, because each of them is unique!

  • The "architectural" structure of the flurarum can be both with vertical and frontal access to the departure of plants and the entire miniature forest infrastructure. Frontal can be equipped with sliding glass panels, if necessary, they can be made removable.

  • What is included in the mandatory technical "Equipment" of any flurarium?

- Lighting, or backlight

Too bright light inside the acet can become annoying, especially if the flurarium is located near the sofa or armchair, where people are sitting. An output can be toning for glass, which and plants will not hurt, and will create an interesting tint for the inner vegetation interior.

Also, lamps can be placed in opaque plaffones, they dispel light and soften its brightness.

- Thermometer and hygrometer

Required and very important devices for controlling the temperature and humidity inside the container with plants. Since our task is to create conditions for plants, as much as possible approximate to their "homeland" - tropics, and temperature, and humidity should be much higher than our indoor indicators. Follow this need constantly!

- Ventilation

We will certainly equip your florarium fan, because for many plants, the air movement, its purity and freshness are important. Make sure that the master manufacturing your "jungle" in the miniature, installed the ventilation system, suitably your design to create the most optimal plants.

If you allow the means, install a modern centralized system control by all the functions of providing the desired microclimate. Such installations have remote control, all the necessary indicators are extremely convenient to use.

Florarium do it yourself

Florarium bottom home improvement

On the bottom, you can put the lattice of plastic and plants will not be constantly "standing" in the water, and the lower part of the whole design will be protected. Instead of the lattice, a layer of clay or sand is suitable, so you will create a practically natural drainage.

The necessary feature of the design of the Florarium bottom - a hole through which the drained dirty water will occur during cleaning. Our advice: Secure a small piece of hose in it, so care for cleaning inside the acet will be much more convenient.

At the bottom of your florerium in a special pallet, or, if it is provided for by the design, right at the bottom of the tank, there should always be water to create a tropical atmosphere with high humidity. Some plants that in vivo grow in a swampy terrain may require a water stratum to twenty centimeters!

Florarium do it yourself

Fill the flurarium plant

  • What should plants in the flurarium? These are various pots, baskets - suspended and standing on the shelves. Fill the pots with a special substrate, for various plant species, its composition may differ, most often it is a mixture of peat, sphagnum, humoring, charcoal, turf. For detailed recommendations for the selection of the required substrate, you will be provided with consultants of specialized stores, where you will acquire green "residents".

  • What is the best way to place plants? Shelves and small stairs, of course, comfortable, and the plants can be fastened to them reliably, but they look somewhat robust. It is much more painfully the interior inside the flurarium, based on the elements of the "wild" nature - spin, thick branches of trees, stones and stumps. These supports need to be carefully processed from the excessive impact of moisture, if necessary - to wrap the sfagnum with the formation by creating the imitation of the pristine surface.

  • Finally it was a queue of plant selection for your little man-made miracle. What to stop so that the effect is amazing? Of course, on orchids, in flurarics they feel excellent. Our recommendations: To fill the pots or baskets, where you will land orchids, mix garden earth, beech leaves, oak bark and peat moss. Those types that need light are planted on the top "floors" of your structures, and amateurs shadow - lower.

As a beautiful green background for flowering stars-orchids, you can use ferns, flashes, phyladendrons, mars, asparagus, tradescans. Mine types of bromelia and begonia are also remarkably suitable for the decoration of the flurarium. Only large varieties of plants are not suitable - Monsters, Anthuriums and others, it is understandable, why in small space giants? Also try not to use those plants that grow too rapidly.

When selecting plants, try to choose those varieties that inside the flurarium will feel most comfortable and for which the following conditions are suitable: the temperature is about 20 ° C, the humidity is about 60%, the lighting for 12 hours in a row.

Florarium do it yourself

How to care for flurarium

Systematic care for the plants and the entire flora installation is minimal - the content in the purity of glass windows, spraying the leaves with purified or rain water, cutting the leaves and shoots of your green pets about once every six months.

To keep the glass walls of your small garden clean is very simple, you only need to regularly clean them from traces remaining after dried droplets. For leaving spraying, use purified, melting water, then such traces will be low and cleansing the glasses to minimize.

In addition, do not forget to monitor the general state of the plants and to remove the diseased or overgrown instances on time.

In a timely manner, give your green corner in order, and it will always deliver you the joy of contemplating the real natural splendor!

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