Beautiful Wall Clocks from Primary Materials


Original issues the interior is a very exciting occupation. Even when it seems that the decor of your home is completed, always wants something new and interesting, I want to find the idea that I want to implement. The idea how to make the original watch from newspaper tubes - and simple, and attractive. If you have already tried to make patterns of newspaper tubes that can decorate the walls, then you will not be in a novel. With this technique you can make these beautiful wall clocks!

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To work, we will need:

- bright magazine pages;

- glue Elmer;

- pencil;

- needles;

- stationery knife;

- flat round wall clock;

- adhesive gun;

- acrylic sealant;

- glue E6000 (it can be used for filling material in electrical products);

- cotton swabs;

- Time + patience.

First you need to prepare a lot of colorful magazine pages (you need 3-4 magazines for such hours). Then you need to turn the pages in the tube using the needle and the stationery knife. If you roll into the tube a whole page, the tube will turn out to be thicker, but you can roll it into the spiral.

Finished tubes begin to turn into a dense spiral, gluing every turn. To do this, we take a pencil, we apply glue on one side of the newspaper tube, and then begin to wind up this tube. Purchased Spiral should be tightly pressed with your fingers. The finished spiral must be kept with your fingers until the glue is grabbed, otherwise the spiral will unfold.

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We make in a similar way the required number of spirals of different sizes (for each helix, we use 1, 2 or 3 newspaper tubes so that the spirals are obtained different sizes).

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For the central part of the clock, we make a large spiral, gradually wounds one after another multicolored newspaper tubes (it will take about 25 pieces).

Now we decide all the spirals on a flat surface. In the center we place a large spiral, and in its edges there are the rest of the helix. In this case, the rings from the spirals of different sizes are located around the central element (3 rings made of spirals made from 1 newspaper tube, 1 ring - from 2 tubes, and the last ring is from the 3-tubes). It is not necessary to use this scheme - when we decorate wall clock, it is important to use fantasy. If the result suits you, we glue every spiral with hot glue.

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Now we need to walk through the hour acrylic sealant, and then process the E6000 glue, using cotton wands for this. We glue the central spiral to the clock. Also, it is necessary to fix all the spirals adjacent to the clock to the clock, with the help of the E6000 glue. Leave the watch for 24 hours so that glue is dry.

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Now these patterns from newspaper tubes are ready to become a clock.

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We take a set for hours and install the mechanism, following the instructions.

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Now we can admire the result.

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You can hang these original watches not only in the nursery, as they look spectacle on a monophonic wall.

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