Bag - Avoska from the umbrella


You broke an umbrella, but it's a pity to part with him, since your favorite color always pleased the eye, or was he dear to you as a memory? You can extend the umbrella life, turning it into a practical bag-avoska. The current eco-bag from the umbrella is easy to develop and is placed in the lady's handbag, not occupying an excess place. At the same time, it will always be at hand in case of an unexpected hike shopping, and thanks to the material used, it will endure a considerable weight of your purchases. Such bags are very popular in Europe, as you allow you to not buy plastic bags every time in the store, which, as you know, have a very negative impact on the environment. So, how to sew a comfortable eco-bag made of girlfriend with your own hands?

Avoska do it yourself

Materials and tools for sewing eco-bags from an umbrella:

  • Broken umbrella (one or two)
  • Thicks
  • English pins
  • Sewing machine
  • Rule
  • a piece of chalk
  • Scissors

We sew a bag-avoska

For a start, we embarrass the umbrella from the spokes and carefully erase. In the unfolded form, the former umbrella will look like in the photo.

Old umbrella

We will take remnants from two umbrellas to work so that the appearance of the bag is more interesting.

Residues of umbrellas

Fabric for umbrellas

Carefully break the umbrella, disassembled on the wedges, irrigate. For bags, you need 4 wedges. I try to iron how your umbrella responds to a hot iron, it is better to start with a low temperature. In principle, the fabric umbrella is brazily brazling both with the ferry, and without it, but the extra precautions will still not interfere.

Patterns for eco-bag

Two more wedges of the material will leave on the handles. If you have more wedges, they can also be used on the handles. In this case, the handles will have more layers of fabric, and they will be stronger.

Bag from Kliniev

We stitch on the machine wedges along the long sides so that one item turns out.

Tailoring bags

Weeping seams

Weeping, seams climb on the side of those wedges, for which a decorative stop will pass. In our case, these are red wedges. We make a decorative protrusion from the front side, you can threads in the tone, can be contrasting threads, your taste.

How to sew a bag

Fabric from the umbrella

We sew wedges for the handles of our bag diagonally to get a rectangle.

Stitching wedges

We place on the parts of the handle strips of 5-6 cm each and cut them. You can carve sticks wider, then they can be folded 4 times, and the handle will be denser.

Fabric marking

Billets for handles

We sew the details of two, weeping seam, it will turn out two long handles. We put the edges of the handle inside, a little bitmaging, and lay the two zigzag lines in the middle (you can fold the handle 4 times and pave the seam of 1 mm from the edge). If desired, the phlizelin can be paved inside, then the handles will turn out the tight and softer.

Send details

Handles for crash

Detail of the bag gently cut on top and bottom, having previously measured the desired length of the product. Our bag in finished form has a length of about 38 cm. We temper the bottom parts with pins and sew.

Sewing bags with your own hands

Tailoring of the Avoska with your own hands

Then we convey the bottom from the wrong side, we roll pins (or mold) and lay the line again so that the edge of the product is not open.

We flash bottom

Bottom bags

In the finished form, the bag should look like that.

Avoska from umbrella

Next, the bag again turn inside out and sweep the top edge by 3-4 cm, we swipe and flash. Ideally, it is better to schedule from the front side so that you can see the edge of the bags, and the line was neat.

Bag inside out

Homemade bag

We pour (or take it) and sew the handles to the main part. To keep the handles tightly, first flash the rectangle in the width of the part, and inside it once again we flash the handle crosswise.

We proceeded from the fact that the length of the handles should be such that it is convenient to carry it, both in hand and on the shoulder. Of course, you can make the handles of any length depending on your growth and preferences. Before the sewing, be sure to try the length of the handles, as it will be more difficult to eliminate and redo


Our bag is ready! If you sewed a bag of a monophonic umbrella, then you can decorate it with appliqué or pockets. Pockets can be both external and internal, common or counted. In this case, all small details should be online before you sewed the handles and made the bottom of the bag.

Umbrella Bag

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