Quickly and easily masetteens for toys


Quickly and easily masetteens for toys

I needed a feathers for another toy. In the description, which I found, they were doing well, it is very surprising, long and mutually. I honestly tried to do on the prescribed, but on the second reincarnated corn. I sat down to think (lazy people are the most inventive. Where ingenuity is there this face!)

Thought up.

I took the cardboard size with the future of the feather, and yarn. Began to wind yarn on the cardboard, density.


We wind up.

Feathers birds

We still wake up.

Feathers for decoration

Further we wake up. Domota. It seems that long.

Cut the yarn on a lot of small segments and bring each individual knot to the wire - even longer :)

Master Class

Strit exactly in the middle (on the cardboard you can read the middle in advance) on the sewing machine with small stitches.

Quickly and easily masetteens for toys

We cut the yarn on the sides.

Quickly and easily masetteens for toys

On the other hand.

Quickly and easily masetteens for toys

And tear off the cardboard. Jumble, easily removed by perforation.

Quickly and easily masetteens for toys

Here are such mediated strings. We must make them similar to the feather.

Quickly and easily masetteens for toys

We take the wire, in the loop at the beginning we bind several threads along the length of the workpiece (top of a flock). Watch the wire thread, again tight.

Quickly and easily masetteens for toys

Billets near. Feather and accommodation in the middle of the pen.

Quickly and easily masetteens for toys

Glue. It is possible to a thermopystole, if you can finely distribute glue.

Quickly and easily masetteens for toys

On the other hand, the pen is just thread. So close the seam.

Quickly and easily masetteens for toys

Here is such beauty.

Quickly and easily masetteens for toys

Multicolored blanks.

Quickly and easily masetteens for toys

And the resulting feathers.

Quickly and easily masetteens for toys


Quickly and easily masetteens for toys

Good luck!

The author of the idea is Svetlana Koshelev.

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