Master Class. Painted panel "Lily"


Master Class. Panna's painting

I will not describe what the cold batik differs from hot, which tools are needed to work in these techniques. This is a separate topic for conversation. I studied this type of fine art with self-taught, because Books in this specific area is small, especially in the province. I walked through samples and mistakes, something found on the Internet, I found something in the works of other artists, much remains to be revealed. • Like all artists, the work begins with the search for ideas, ideas. Some sketches, hunters, sometimes photos help create an image of a future picture. All this is embodied in the sketch drawing on the sheet of the corresponding size of the picture. The contours must be highlighted with a bright felt-tipset so that the drawing is visible through the fabric.


• The next stage of work is the tension of the fabric to the subframe. For this, I use the usual staplers for business work. If the fabric is very thin and a subframe made of soft wood, quite a stationery stapler (it should be revealed and by pressing, the brackets are well included in the tree, without leaving the fumes on silk). The fabrics take the calculation of the size of the subframe plus 3-5cm on the allowances on the sides. The fabric must begin to tighten on the equity thread from the center, then the duck the same from the center to the corners of the subframe, alternately by changing the parties .Ideally stretched fabric as a drum, does not prevent, will not fail. • Now it is necessary to gently put the drawing under the fabric. Do not forget, the fabric is already stretched on the subframe! For this, for this, in the edges, I fell down the paper, carefully carry the sheet on the back side between the subframe and the fabric. In the center of the subframe so that the drawing is better manifested, put the book suitable for the thickness of the subframe. Now you can translate the drawing. Simple Pencil TM or T, but not soft, otherwise there will be dirt, light lines, so that the drawing is visible, we carry out the contours. Initially, the drawing is created in the center, then at the edges. After finishing, we take out paper.


• The next step is to circuit in the pencil drawing by reserving composition. In the glass tube, draw a little composition of the jar. If you have a lot of reserve, it will learn very quickly, leaving ugly drops and implications. Starting the work, drum down the tip of the tube, keep up, bringing it to the drawing, smoothly lower it and, watching the movement of the composition in the tube, spend the line in the drawing. Tinging the tube from the fabric, lift her tip up, so as not to drop by chance to work.


Inexperienced artists are better to practice in advance on a piece, stretched on the hoop. There is a complexity at the beginning and continuation of the line, the unsure hand will surely leave a drop of the reserve in the figure. For this There is a cunning - Wait until the old line is dry, put a piece of paper at the beginning of the next line on top and start drawing on a piece of paper, moving on the fabric. The reserve will fall smoothly, without noticeable droplets. If you are right-hander, then the drawing is translated, starting from the upper left corner, if left-hand, then - on the contrary, from the right top, moving down. The main thing is by chance not to smear the applied reserve. Wait 40 min. While the reserve dries on the fabric. Another difficulty is to carry out lines without breaks, otherwise, when painting, paint will be required to other sections. This also applies to the background, if it is not monophoned and the multicolored decorative elements are conceived on it, I'm closed on the front of the subframe by reserve those parts of the pattern, where the paint can be counted on another tone.


• Go to the painting. We start painting from the brightest plots, moving to the dark. Painting I begin with a circuit closer check. To do this, clean water fill the element.

Master Class. Panna's painting

If the water is dropped, waiting until it dries, on the reverse side (if you can get) I carry the line in the place, or with the front, if the subframe is closed. I am writing in raw, so the paint smoothly spreads, mixing beautifully with other tones

Master Class. Panna's painting

Here your fantasy does not know the boundaries, you can show all your talent. Remember only one thing - it is not recommended to mix more than three paints, because May turn out dirt. Having painted, put the paint slightly away from the contour - it still spreads.

Master Class. Panna's painting

Frequent error - It happens that from excess paint can do on top of the contour and check on another site

Master Class. Panna's painting

• I correct such errors with clean water, the urea gravel, the darkening of this area or overlap, and if everything is serious, you will have to show a fantasy

Master Class. Panna's painting

And not noticeable! • After the end of the painting of light elements, go to the painting of the darkest plots, in our case, is the background

Master Class. Panna's painting

Master Class. Panna's painting

Large plots better paint in one app. I prepare the required amount of paint, a large brush, raw, without giving sucking paint (otherwise there will be noticeable divorces at the joints of the old and new section of the painting), distribute it in the site. These divorces can be used as a special decorative effect - everything in your power. If you are difficult to paint evenly all the plot, divide it with decorative elements, beautiful reserve lines or other elements. For example, distribute the grains of urea (they are chaotically evil the paint) or salt (they thicken the paint), you can drop clean water on the raw background - the paint will slightly light down with a smooth spot

Master Class. Panna's painting

After painting, let work dry. • Scribed work must be consolidated. In our case, we used acrylic paints "Gamma" for fabric and natural silk. These paints are enough to try the iron 2 min. Simple fabric paints require brewing procedures. After fixing, the work should be solid in a weak soap solution and rinse. We stretch into the subframe our dried and stroking work I do not cut the extra silk, because With time, it flies with time, and always carefully pushing the edge of the fabric (for this I leave 3 cm at the edges) and fix them on the subframe. Now it remains to choose a frame and hang on a prominent place.

Master Class. Panna's painting

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