Do it yourself: miracles from tin


Posted by: indigoman

What can be done from tin cans

To make originality in your life and at the same time to help the environment, it is enough to assemble a different kind of trash and, guided by the hints of the muse, create unique things from it: from useful economic trifles to colorful installations. Let's get acquainted with new ideas!

Elementary landscaping

What can be done from tin cans

The easiest option is to use unnecessary tin as a vase. Not necessarily not even to bother with some special work: just drink a drink, pour water instead - and you can settle a small bouquet in the bank. But why not supplement the aluminum base with decor? You can decorate the surface of the can with cloth, ribbons and sequins - either covered with paper drawings, cutting out newspapers and climb.

What can be done from tin cans

But to turn tin into a stylish and cozy house for cacti and succulents, you will have to attach more creative energy to the redemption, "said Evan Metropoulos (Evan Metropoulos). With the help of a cans, cut off the upper part of empty cans, and at the bottom we make several holes for water flow (a nail and hammer come to the rescue). It remains to fill out a newly small pot of earth and green inhabitants. With the same success, you can make a cup for dental brushes, cotton sticks, pencils, spices, straw cookies and many other useful little things. In the kitchen, the whole set of tin will look at the kitchen.

Charming candlesticks

What can be done from tin cans

Nothing creates such a romantic mood as lively flickering candles - especially if we provide an elegant framing! Fill empty jars with water and put the clock at 5-6 in the freezer.

What can be done from tin cans

Then you can "lie" above them with the help of cans, nails of different diameter and hammer - to create a beautiful pattern (which we previously drawn with a marker on tin). Do not forget about the hole in the top of the candlestick, which, if desired, can be suspended on the fishing line.

Beer cans

What can be done from tin cans

Malanie Kay's textile artist (Melanie Kay) does not just work with processed materials, but also combines them with tissues and embroidery.

What can be done from tin cans

Unexpected and spectacular lampshades Master adorns small detail pendants cut out of cans.

What can be done from tin cans

And this lamp-ball is made, as you can guess, from valves from tin cans: connected with a thin wire and planted on an imperceptible frame, they turn into amazing metal lace.

Magic Home Decor

What can be done from tin cans

Designer Paul Villinski (Paul Villinski) uses in its works crumpled beer banks collected on New York's streets. It turns this candid garbage into bizarre stakes of butterflies, which are capable of turning even the empty room without furniture to the art gallery. What then to talk about the bedroom and or living room, where in the margin of your will today already today can break such a luxurious dance?

What can be done from tin cans

The process of processing aluminum cans in the figurine for the artist is akin to meditation - yoga tin, scissors and fingers. The secret meaning of his compositions is also in the fact that every bank has its own story: they bought this or another person, got to her lips and drank the contents - only the bank knows what mood and what thoughts ...

What can be done from tin cans

Then the individual insects are "knocked out in the shoals" and ... no, they do not fly to the south - and form on the walls, ceiling or furniture are swallowed spirals, circles and wavy lines. So the unique three-dimensional paintings are born, which, if desired, can repeat any person: no difficulties in work, and the cost is zero - empty unnecessary cans in our time are even debt.

What can be done from tin cans

What can be done from tin cans

How to turn a beer jar into musical? How to sew a luxury dress outfit and tie the handbags? How to build a cottage from nothing and taste to decorate it? What crafts please please children? We have the answer to all these questions!

MP3 amplifier

What can be done from tin cans

If you like to relax in the company of friends - for good music, economically and green (without a "flavor" of gasoline), then you probably know: not just every time you go to the breakdown with a cargo from the radio or heavy audio speakers. MP3 amplifier from an empty aluminum can come to the rescue, which can be made in the blink of an eye.

What can be done from tin cans

My jar and give her to completely dry. Now we make several holes at the bottom of the cans with a nail, or sewn, or nail files, or laser vision (for superman only). Then we do several holes closer to the center of the bottom and stretch the headphones through the top of the banks (where "open-opener"). If we need to fix the headphones so that they do not dangle inside the tin, "explain" with the wiring with the help of Scotch. Now turn on the music and adjust the volume to taste: the handmasters of the handmade promise that the clarity inside the tin is good. Just do not put the sound to the maximum - the echo inside the amplifier can damage the headphones themselves.

Clothes and accessories

What can be done from tin cans

If you cut 20 thousand beer cans on thin strips and overwhelming them for many years, you can get a real aluminum tissue. It was from her who works in New York Greek designer Nikos Floros (Nicos Floros) created a luxurious kit: a steady evening dress to exit in the opera and a couple of shoes in the tone. The labor-intensive work of the artist was exhibited in Athens, and then demonstrated in various galleries around the world. True, such outfits are created more to attract attention to environmental issues than for the wardrobe of modern fashionistas. And Thank you!

Bags for needlewoman

What can be done from tin cans

For those who know how to knit with crochet, valves from tin cans are of particular interest: with the help of colored threads, dozens of different patterns from metal parts can be connected to such impressive accessories.

What can be done from tin cans

You can add crafts with buckles and clasters from their own predecessors - after all, the conscious young ladies will not be thrown into the garbage bucket "Working" details even from the most skipped bags of bags.

What can be done from tin cans

Looking at this skill, you might think that the products are bought in some elite fashion store. But how people are surprised when they find out what they are made with their own hands - the hassia of the garbage and the old yarn, who slept on the mezzanine!

Frames for mirrors and photos

What can be done from tin cans

What could be easier? We collect a dozen metal cans from under beverages, cut out of them the same squares (which can, in turn, smash both on triangles), and forward a mosaic on a frame from some kind of hand to hand. The result promises to be mischievous!

Requisite for children's games

What can be done from tin cans

All the children are somehow playing in the dolls: Girls like to wear more and combine "Pups", and the boys passionately equip the "technical aspects" of toy life. In any case, children will be interested in participating in creating such believable furniture for a dollhouse. To do this, cut the tin with thin stripes, bend them according to the scheme (which you can come up with or download on the Internet), and supplement the crafts with soft seats from trimming trimbs. Toys applaud standing!

Summer house of beer cans

What can be done from tin cans

But what is the puppet cups? Recently, more and more often it is possible to hear that someone guessed to use completely "Darm" technicians for the construction of cottages and even Buddhist temples. Our case is not an exception: Talented self-tailed architect John Malkovish skillfully folded a house from a blank container.

What can be done from tin cans

Easy, like a fluff, eco-mansion is equipped with all that is necessary for rest, and on the roof it is relaxingly called "wind music" - garlands made of metal cutting from empty tin. The author of the project and about landscaping did not forget - in one word, the cottage turned out to "five with a plus"!

What can be done from tin cans

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