Create a holiday atmosphere in your home


On the eve of New Year holidays, each of us is waiting for something unusual and magical. In order to further penetrate the atmosphere of the upcoming holiday, we suggest listening to our advice on the decoration of your home.

Create a holiday atmosphere in your home

Create a holiday atmosphere in your home

1. Choosing color

New Year's interior often has the color of the Winter Forest, for which you can use green, white or brown background, on which bright and juicy stains of red or golden color will look excellent.

Create a holiday atmosphere in your home

2. The trend of the upcoming 2016 year is a purple and lilac colors. that will be perfectly looked at both the main and additional shades. Try to make a lilac main color on the holiday, and you will create an unforgettable, magical atmosphere.

Create a holiday atmosphere in your home

3. But for the primary color in the interior, you can also choose the other tone, the main thing is that in the interior there are no more than 2-3.

Create a holiday atmosphere in your home

4. Decorations.

In decorations, it is also very important to withstand competent color combinations. It is best to experiment not with flowers, but with the shape and sizes of jewelry.

Create a holiday atmosphere in your home

5. On the New Year's Eve, many try to decorate the windows, completely forgetting the windowsill.

Create a holiday atmosphere in your home

6. Using the usual cardboard, You can make a very original decoration. To do this, it will be necessary only to cut stencils from thick paper and glue a friend opposite each other, putting inside the strip of the foam rubber and securing the garland in it.

Create a holiday atmosphere in your home

7. Christmas tree

Today, the custom is returned to decorate the Christmas tree with fruits, nuts and sweets.

Create a holiday atmosphere in your home

8. Bates will also be suitable for the decoration of the Christmas tree that must be sustained in one gamma and have the same size.

Create a holiday atmosphere in your home

9. Lighting

Garlands and New Year candles are suitable as a festive backlight.

Create a holiday atmosphere in your home

10. An ordinary chandelier can also be decorated , turning it to New Year's fashion.

Create a holiday atmosphere in your home

11. Table setting

When serving a table, you can use bright napkins, and fragrant candles and fir branches will be suitable for decoration.

Create a holiday atmosphere in your home

12. For table setting You can also use the original composition of fragrant conifer branches with decor from bright accessories.

Create a holiday atmosphere in your home

13. As a surprise for guests Sweet gift or toy suitable, beautifully packed and put on a plate.

Create a holiday atmosphere in your home

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