Stationery in the house: 15 new features


Stationery in the house: 15 new features

Stationery - a brilliant invention of humanity.

Invented her Englishman Stephen Perry in 1845.

Initially, it was intended to fasten securities pages and attaching recipes to bottles with medicines, but since then people have come up with many ways to use it.

You will learn about some of them from this article.

1. Wine glasses in the dishwasher
Stationery in the house: 15 new features

To accurately be sure that your glasses will be safe and maintained during washing in the dishwasher, it is best to fix them on the grille with a multiple gum.

2. Slippers

Stationery in the house: 15 new features

If the straps of dresses are constantly scattered from the hangers, then wrap in its edges a gum in several layers.

3. Tight covers cans

Stationery in the house: 15 new features

Open the lid on any bank will be much easier if you wrap it with rubber ribbon.

4. Slipping cutting board

Stationery in the house: 15 new features

So that the cutting board does not slide on the table, it is necessary to pull in its edges on one stationery elastic.

5. Packaging of things

Stationery in the house: 15 new features

Carnate clothes in tight roles and secure them using the stationery. So you can parse more compactly, and your things will not look too distinced.

6. Old screw

Stationery in the house: 15 new features

If you need to unscrew the old screw with torn Slots on the Hat, then use the laying from the stationery gum.

7. Locking the castle tongue

Stationery in the house: 15 new features

Sometimes it is necessary to block the operation of the lock, for example, if it is faulty or you are afraid that children in the room can close themselves. In this case, pull the rubber tape on the handle, which will fix the tongue in the same position.

8. Measure for fluid

Stationery in the house: 15 new features

Everyone should know his measure! And the multicolored stationery gum will help to keep it.

9. Fixation of tea bags

Stationery in the house: 15 new features

At that moment, when you want to move from hot drinks to hot, you also do not do without a stationery gum. With it, it is easy to secure the thread of a tea bag so that then not to catch it from the bottom of the cup.

10. French manicure

Stationery in the house: 15 new features

Use the stationery to get an ideal French manicure.

11. Removal of extra paint with brushes

Stationery in the house: 15 new features

The smaller your tassel will remain extra paint, the less the droplets will be on your hands, clothes and surrounding items. Therefore, pull the across the open bank with a gum of suitable size and remove the paint from the tassels with it.

12. Transportation of saucepan

Stationery in the house: 15 new features

If you need to move a saucepan with food from point A to point B so that the contents remain safe and maintained, then fix the pan with a few stationery gum.

13. Marking of wires and connectors

Stationery in the house: 15 new features

To never confuse that where to stick and how close, you can march the wires using the stationery of different colors.

14. Passing page

Stationery in the house: 15 new features

Never slough your finger, if necessary, renoite the page! Wound on the finger of gum easily solves this problem.

15. Slippery caps from varnish

Designers of nail polish bottles participate, it seems, in a unwashed competition for the creation of the most slippery and inconvenient cap. It is possible to resist them only with the help of stationery.

Stationery in the house: 15 new features

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