Amazing picture: Starbucks straw drawing technology


Amazing picture: Starbucks straw drawing technology
Probably, no one would have refused us at least once in his life to feel like an artist, let them and not great, but simply able to create a beautiful and interesting picture for your home. Not in vain say that there is nothing impossible! After all, even if you do not know how to draw at all, this amazing and simple technique will help you create an original picture. And the main tool will not even brush, but a tube!

Amazing picture: Starbucks straw drawing technology

You will need:

  • canvas;
  • adhesive paper;
  • acrylic paint or ink;
  • tube;
  • Toothbrush

First, of course, you need to decide on the pattern, for example, in our case it is a female profile. Then the picture you like should be either drawn or print and transfer to the adhesive paper. Next, this picture must be cut, after which you will have a finished stencil. By the way, the usual paper is suitable for creating a stench, it will simply need to be well fixed, for example, with a paper tape.

Amazing picture: Starbucks straw drawing technology

After preparing a canvas with a stencil, we take paint or ink and applied them with droplets near the contour, but not on canvas, and on stencil, with a step of approximately 1 cm.

Amazing picture: Starbucks straw drawing technology

It came a turn of the tube. Through the tube blow on a drop of paint, without sorry forces. Fool the paint until she "runs away."

Amazing picture: Starbucks straw drawing technology

The same is done on the other side of the stencil. Using this technique, fill the entire Silhouette space.

Amazing picture: Starbucks straw drawing technology

Now we take the usual toothbrush, dry it into the paint and, quickly spending your finger on the bristles, cover the silhouette with small splashes.

Amazing picture: Starbucks straw drawing technology

Next, you can take a subtle pen or even a needle, to dip the tip in the paint and spend thin lines in some places.

Amazing picture: Starbucks straw drawing technology

We give paint to dry up so that nothing smeared and remove the stencil from the drawing. The picture is already in principle ready, however, if you wish, you can draw some small details. For example, in the case of a girl silhouette, you can draw strands of hair and eyelashes.

Amazing picture: Starbucks straw drawing technology

And below you can see a detailed video on how to create a picture with the help of this interesting technique.

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