Gorgeous Blouse from ordinary T-shirt: Idea Fix for this summer!


Gorgeous Blouse from ordinary T-shirt: Idea Fix for this summer!

In summer, clothes should be not only comfortable, but also original! For fashionistas who are tired of familiar summer things, there is a great offer: from a simple T-shirt and a piece of translucent fabric you can create a unique, very stylish thing.

This blouse is also suitable for the holiday, and for a hiking. The undoubted plus - it will not be hot in it, light matter in the upper part of the dress does not steer. The secret of the success of this blouse is to properly pick up the colors and textures of materials combined with each other. Just see how this looks great Summer blouse!

How to quickly sew blouse

    1. You will need a T-shirt, a piece of transparent fabric and a bow-butterfly for the decor of the dress.

Blouse do it yourself

    1. Mark the cut line of the top of the T-shirt.

Blouse do it yourself

    1. Cut the sleeve and collar from the top of the T-shirt, lay out the pattern on the lightweight fabric.

Blouse do it yourself

Blouse do it yourself

Blouse do it yourself

    1. Now you only need to connect the pieces of the bluster! The most responsible moment is to gently sew different fabrics on its texture.

Blouse do it yourself

    1. Bows - like a cherry on the cake! Little item can change the nature of the usual thing very much ...

Blouse do it yourself

Summer is a wonderful time when you want to take off my clothes, and not to wear it! But stylish outfits are relevant even into terrible heat. Such. Summer blouse It will look great at a party, and make it, as you see, it does not make much difficulty. You can take advantage of this ingenious idea and come up with a variant of such a thing. Do not limit the fantasy, live brightly!

Please replenish the wardrobe with stylish clothes made with your own hands with an exceptional opportunity.

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