How to get rid of the smell of a cat in the apartment


I have no doubt that among my regular readers, there are many people loving animals. I love them very much. And cats, and dogs. They are cool, cute, fluffy, they give a good mood and adults, and children. But it will be not talking about them today, but about what remains after them. I will tell you about how to get rid of the smell of the cat in the apartment. People who have homemade know how sometimes it can be problematic.

How to get rid of the smell of a cat in the apartment

Why does an unpleasant smell occur?

All the hosts of cats know perfectly well that from the very moment, as soon as a small fluffy lump crossed the threshold of your home, it immediately needs to begin to teach him to the tray. Agree.

I know that the process, it happens, is delayed, but since I decided to purchase a kitten, then you know how to care for it. it about kids.

What concerns adult individual . Everything is somewhat harder here. So, why the animal, already accustomed to "go to the toilet", suddenly begins to shift in the corners. Understand one thing, just so, without a reason, the cat or cat will not start to protect the need not where usually.

Complain to the fact that the pet is not satisfied with something, he, you know, will not be able to. Therefore, it will begin to express dissatisfaction with such an unpleasant way for us.

I mean the following the reasons:

  • Changing a feline toilet filler (this seems to us that they are all the same, for our favorites they are all different from each other by the smell, roughness, etc.)
  • Tray stands in an uncomfortable place (in sight, on the aisle)
    Zapah Koshki.

We, as creatures reasonable, should understand that our smaller brothers express their feelings and pleasant, and unpleasant in their own language, and we should learn to understand it with you.

Eliminate unpleasant odors

So, how to get rid of sinuals? For a start, as soon as the kitten was brought home (after all, it is not yet accustomed), it is desirable Remove all rugs which kid can pee (and most likely will do it), since they will be more difficult to remove.

When the cat started to disappoint you with bad behavior, and you invariably feel the vile smell in the apartment, good Look at the very place where the favorite gits. Because if you do not find, it will be almost unrealistic to eliminate it.


The most important thing you need to know is by no means Do not use chlorine !!!


No way!

No matter how effective she seemed to you, let us assume that your pet you love more than a rug or an old sofa. Caustic odor of this means can lead to poison or to the complication of the perception of odors in the animal.

Zapah Koshki V Komnate

You also need to know that any means containing Ammonia To (which in turn is also contained in the feline urine), not only will not help remove the stench, but also will strengthen the souls.

A variety of perfumery adaptations do not help. Air fresheners or simple deodorants. It will help only 10-15 minutes. Freshness of the applied pleasant fragrance will weave, and the stench will increase.

There are several such effective ways which in no way will harm the cat's health. For example:

  • Lemon acid.
  • Soda solution (which, by the way, can be calmly used for cleaning light furniture or flooring)
  • Alcohol solution, vinegar
  • Divorced hydrogen peroxide
  • Manganese (diluted with water)
  • And, of course, the old good economic soap (its composition includes glycerin, which effectively suppresses and dissolves urinary acid)

If the speck on the carpet "Freshly baked" Calmly use soap solution, sponge or brushing.

But, since the puddle has already managed well absorb While you were at work or visiting, it should be resorted to the help of the solutions mentioned above. Standard proportions of cleaning agents to water 1: 4.

So here.

We have a stain not new.

  • Take a divorced vinegar with a water. We wipe the "crime scene." Then we sprinkle soda for 3-4 minutes. And finally we pass a cloth moistened in a solution of hydrogen and water peroxide.
    Zapah Koshki V Kvartire

I also heard about tee brewing . They say well copes well, but we understand that for bright carpets or sofas is not suitable.

Fortunately, those who have come up with special feline toilets and fillers, also invented cleaning products that can easily and quickly eliminate the unpleasant consequences of the vital activity of your beloved cat.

But keep in mind that Stores There are different. Read the composition carefully (in it should enter enzymes Substances dissolving urine acid). But before buying, ask your friends, friends or on forums, who used what was used, and how efficiently the cleaner was discussed.


For this article, in my opinion, folk wisdom is very well suited: "you love to ride, love and sosochos to carry." Well, however, because?!

Wanted to give your chance of happiness? Know what you have to treat a small kitten to the toilet and care for already matured creation, especially when he happens to some kind of indisposition, including those described above.

I say this way, because without a significant cause of a cat accustomed to the toilet, it will not shock in secluded corners. Try by all forces to correct the root cause. Next and smells will not need to eliminate))

Kak Izbavit'sja Ot Zapaha Koshki

All are kind to all you and successful cleaning to everyone!

If you have your proven ways to deal with a feline smell, write in the comments.

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