Having learned these 11 tricks, you will use them every day!


Having learned these 11 tricks, you will use them every day!

No one loves boring home affairs. Daily routine for a diligent hostess so tedious! But everything changes, if you know the tricks of circulation with some objects and means for cleaning ... These useful lifehki - for you. I hope you remember them on time and make up their effectiveness!

Having learned these 11 tricks, you will use them every day!

Lifehaki, which will simplify life

    1. Easy way to get rid of dust and crumbs between the keyboard buttons: the usual stickers will help! Always do that ...

Lifehaki for home

    1. If the velcro is contaminated, use the old toothbrush to clean it. Move the brush in one direction by parallel rows. You pull out all the garbage, which spoils the type of velcro and does not give it to zelikha!

Lifehaki for life

    1. To extend the life to your shared machine, put it in vodka after use! This will increase the service life of any razor - it will not be so quickly tupping. In addition, it is an excellent disinfection method.
    2. If you forgot to remove a napkin or a ticket from the pocket, the thing will suffer during washing. Remove unpleasant paper katovka aspirin! Add a pair of tablets into water, turntables in this solution clothes - the perfect result!

Lifehaki in life

    1. If you are looking for a tiny thing on the floor, such as contact lenses or glass fragments, put on the nozzle of the vacuum cleaner of the heading tights.
    2. To make stupid scissors, use a glass jar. Cut the glass with a light pressure - the edge of the blades will immediately sharpen!

Useful tips for home

    1. Clear the leather and any other bag from unpleasant odors will help soda! Place a sock with dry soda and leave for the night.

Useful tips for every day

Having learned these 11 tricks, you will use them every day!

    1. Here's how you can pour water into a bucket, if there is no hose at hand!

Useful tips for life

    1. To save or feed the vases, use a mixture of coffee and water for watering. Swari ground coffee, as usual, taking water in a ratio of 1: 1. Priceless fertilizer!

Tips for every day

    1. If fruit flies started in the kitchen, do not rush to despair! Mix 30 ml of vodka, 3-4 drops of dishwashing liquid and 400 ml of water. Proceed by this mixture insect habitats, and they will quickly disappear.
    2. A wonderful idea is to clean the shoes with old kapron pantyhose. Especially good trick works with suede shoes! Wang your favorite couple of pantyhose, and you will immediately see the difference.

Tips for every day

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