Deodorant for shoes with your own hands


Deodorant for shoes with your own hands

How to get rid of unpleasant smell of shoes without resorting to expensive means.

We all know well how important the proper care of shoes is. And care for the internal state is not less (and sometimes more) is important than behind the appearance. Surely some of you have a pair of shoes (perhaps a sports or working), a completely decent species, which is not possible to wear because of an unpleasant odor.

Of course, it is much easier to prevent odor to fight, than to deal with him later. For this, as a rule, it is enough to follow the hygiene legs and do not wear shoes two days in a row. For shoes from leather, it is recommended to use wooden pads that will retain the shape of the shoe, and they absorb moisture, accumulated in the day of the socks.

But what to do, if it does not help, or the moment is missed? Then various tricks come to the rescue: changing the stelek, talc for legs, various deodorants. Unfortunately, these methods are either not very comfortable or more effective. New insoles solve the problem only for a short time, the talc is inconvenient in use, and shoe deodorants often have very strong (demuscating :)) "flavors". In addition, the latter have the property to end at the most appropriate moment and are not cheap.

I want to tell about a very not costly method that will help you solve this problem at any stage.

So, for this you need only two things:

1. Spray - antiseptic for hands (or used bottle from underno). It is usually for sale at the box office in supermarkets next to wet napkins. It is cheap.

Deodorant for shoes with your own hands health, do it yourself, do it yourself

2. Antiseptic drug - formidron. Sold in pharmacies, worth a penny. Formidron is a powerful antiseptic based on formaldehyde. Here is an excerpt from the instructions for use: "Formaldehyde, which is part of the formidron has the ability to coagulate (fold, destroy the structure) of protein molecules. Due to this, the drug has a destructive effect on bacteria living on the skin. These bacteria decompose the secret of swelling glands, and as a result of this, the smell of sweat appears. In addition, the formidron has a dubbing action that contributes to the closure of swelling of sweat glands and their atrophy. "

Deodorant for shoes with your own hands health, do it yourself, do it yourself

Everything is simple, pour one antiseptic, refuel the second, Profit!

It is enough to treat the inner surface of the shoes for the night, so that the unpleasant smell disappeared. If you forget to do it - do not matter, handle shoes an hour to socks. The sharp smell of formaldehyde is weathered in a few minutes, and the fluid itself evaporates quite quickly. You can also process the soles stop - this will significantly reduce the sweating and the likelihood of fungal infections. To all other things, the small size of the bottle allows you to carry it with you in the bag and use as needed - in a public toilet, a gym, campaign, or in places where there is no possibility to thoroughly wash your hands.

Deodorant for shoes with your own hands health, do it yourself, do it yourself

Perhaps - this is the advice from Cap, but nevertheless I will be glad if he will help anyone. I wish everyone health!

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