Useful tips: how to increase the life of your laptop


Laptop portability greatly increases the risk of various breakdowns and damage.

Nevertheless, more and more users choose it instead of a stationary computer.

There are many factors that are very shortening the life expectancy of your Gadget.

Simple tips presented below will help you extend the life of your pet.

Laptop: Prolong life

1) Keep it in a cool place to serve you longer


For any electronics, overheating is evil. Excessive heat is capable of disrupting the integrity of the screen, reduce battery life and even melt glue inside the device.

These are only a few side effects of the impact of high temperature on your laptop. Everyone knows that during heating the metal is expanding, and when cooling it is compressed.

That is, all the details and wires inside the laptop will stretch and shrink, which will very quickly lead to the failure of the main components.

But what to do if your laptop has repeatedly been in a superheated state. About normal functioning can be forgotten? Most probably not. But now you are aware and you will not expose it to the constant influence of heat (do not leave it in a preheated car and under the right sunlight, etc.).

2) Case - the right thing


Man's skin is amazing. She herself heals itself in the event of a bruise or scratch.

However, the laptop is not so lucky. Any superficial damage will remain on it forever. Therefore, do not save on a good case that protects your device from dust, dents, scratches and any other physical damage.

Surely you have seen special covers that are fastened directly to the housing. Thus, they perform the function of additional protection in the event of a fall or with a strong impact.

Correct laptop care

3) Keep your device clean


Only with this condition, your laptop will delight you more than one year, because the dust inside inside is often the main cause of breakdowns and overheating.

However, it is not necessary to overdo it. It is enough for cleaning to use a squeezed aircraft, which will quickly drive dust from all over the corners. Also, do not forget to regularly remove dirt from hinges and moving parts, it will reduce the speed of their wear.

4) SSD Drive - Upgrade Your Laptop


If you want the performance of your device to improve, we advise you to use the so-called solid state drive for this.

As a rule, as the device is obsolete, it is more difficult to "upgrade". For example, in the case of a fixed computer, it is very easy to replace various components (RAM, processor or any other).

In the case of laptops, if you need to improve the RAM or processor, some difficulties may arise. However, the hard drives of laptops are usually more larger and standard sizes, so access to them is facilitated.

The first advantage of installing SSD drive is an increase in the speed of operation and a decrease in heat generation by the device. The second explicit advantage is an additional degree of security and protection, since if your laptop falls, it is almost certainly its integrity will not break due to the absence of easily damaged moving parts.

This is very different from the standard rotating solid disk, which is based on movable plates, easily damaging and scratching during transportation.

5) Second life of the laptop


But what still do if the device has already served his own, you feel sorry to throw it out, and you would be happy to work with joy for some time on it?

Often, when the life of your laptop begins to end, you can notice a strong decrease in its performance and speed. For this reason, many are made from the old media player or TV.

If your non-young apparatus can perform such regular tasks, then you just need to set a light version of the Linux operating system, which will use much less resources in your work as opposed to other systems.

Thus, the laptop will immediately start working faster.

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