Washing powder and air conditioning for linen - do yourself


Pictures on request Washing powder and air conditioning for linen - do yourself

Pictures on request Washing powder and air conditioning for linen - do yourself

So, is it necessary to replace the usual powders and shampoos for laundry laundry? A positive answer to this question is especially relevant in the following cases:

1. If you or your loved ones are allergic

2. If you have children who you do not want to personally expose to toxic chemistry

3. If you do not want to pollute nature, especially if we are talking about dacha wash next to the garden, or on a river or lake), as well as washing in a private house that is not connected to a common sewage, and not a non-line water purification system

4. If you do not want your money to support manufacturers of publicly available poisoning substances in beautiful packaging.

Preparing washing powder

This washing powder (from the book "Clean Planet Recipe") can be used not only with manual washing, but also in the most expensive and modern washing machine! We give his recipe allergies, parents of young children, to everyone who adversely affect the factory washing powders. And also to anyone who does not want to pollute nature - especially if we are talking about the country washing near the garden or on the river.

So, in order to ensure a successful transition from commercial detergents (reagents) to a safe alternative, you must first get rid of their remnants in your clothing. Please use clothes as much as possible, which can withstand the fabric, adding 50 ml of washing soda for each download. It must be done to prevent yellowing.

To prepare an environmentally friendly washing powder, mix 250 ml of grated soap, 125 ml of washing soda, 125 ml of borants. Keep everything in a special box.

Before washing, add 125 ml of this mixture to the water in your washing machine. By adding wine vinegar (125-250 ml) when rinsed, you can get rid of all soap residues and soften the fabric.

White underwear white!

The whiteness of the tissue advertising makes the central problem of life. In brackets, we note that the fabric after the use of a bleach containing chlorine, of course, looks very white, but it is unlikely that the remnants of the bleach in the tissue are unlikely to be visible, a sign of real purity. In general, it is possible to whiten and without chlorine. On 10 liters of hot water, you can add 2 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide and 1 tablespoon of ammonia alcohol. Or with the help of an effective non-altitude bleach produced in our area, "Person". Check out this advice: "White socks, the golfs are better abandoned if they are pre-dunk for 1-2 hours in water, into which 1-2 tablespoons of boric acid are added.

Soften water

Wash in soft water easier. Soften rigid water can be adding soda or ammonia alcohol.

How to make a more efficient soaking procedure?

Provide minimum fluid and maximum foam. For example, put wetted in hot water and a washed thing in a plastic bag, virtually no water.

How to get rid of stains?

You can take reagents from the kitchen shelf or even straight from the dining table. Acid solvents serve vinegar, lemon juice, cabbage brine; Adsorbents absorbing dirt and removing with it - salt, starch, sleeping tea ...

On a fresh spot from berries, wine, coffee, tea, jams densely sprinkle an adsorbent, which is always at hand - a table salt. The salt will immediately begin to absorb liquid, reducing the concentration of contamination in the fibers of the fabric. You can change the salt, pour a new portion. And as soon as the meal ended - to wash the stain with hot water. The consequences are minimized.

But the fresh spots of blood hot water do not dispense - the protein is coagulated, firmly typing with the cloth. Best of all fabric and with fresh, and with an old blood stain (not only blood! Any protein pollution, such as cocoa, as well as used handkerchiefs) Soak in the elementary solution - on the liter of cold water a tablespoon salt. Protein substances dissolve in such a weakly saline water. And then it is easy to eliminate the cloth in warm water with an ordinary shopping soap.

To remove fat stains, you can use dry mela powder or dry talc. Fresh spot sprinkled with a talc from the face and inside, covered with clean paper and pressed the cargo, and on the other day the thing is carefully knocked and clean.

Even in dry cleaning will not take a thing spoiled by chewing gum. Here you have to turn to physics, and not to chemistry. Attach a piece of ice to a blurred place and hold. Hard traces of chewing gum separated easily.

Cooking air conditioning for linen

Before running to the store for various washing softeners, look at the kitchen - do you have vinegar? If there is, you can consider the problem solved. Now, from wearing the wrapped clothes, you will not appear on the skin allergic reactions, redness, itching and tingling. Homemade softening air conditioning for linen will solve all problems. It is preparing on the basis of vinegar, which, as it turned out, is good not only for refueling salads, but it is suitable for care for various tissues.

We offer to make yourself a biologically harmless and economical composition based on vinegar and essential oils. For this, lavender or mint essential oils.

So, for the preparation of a high-quality linen softener, we will need:

- 4 l vinegar

- 20 drops of lavender oil (or 10 drops of mint oil).

Mix the ingredients in the pure bidone of the appropriate size and you can assume that the home washing miracle is ready.

For white linen, add a cup of this tool to the rinsing cycle when the washing machine is fully loaded. If the linen is a little - enough half a cup. For color clothing, add half the cups for full loading.

It is better not to exceed the specified doses, because the vinegar "flipping" acts on the fabric.

The resulting magic air conditioner can be used for two months if they are stored away from direct sunlight. Also, the air-conditioned bidone must be kept in place inaccessible for children.

Does "special needs" need, so that terry bathrobes are fluffy towels? After washing, they can be held in again salted water and not stroke .E

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