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Try Lopni!

Try Lopni

Soap bubbles with antiquity attracted children, and adults. When excavations in the pompes, archaeologists found frescoes (I century. Er) depicting people blowing bubbles. This fun and now is not less popular.

Durability is the main thing that is valued in soap bubbles. This property directly depends on the correct proportion of the ingredients for the solution, so if you decide to make bubbles yourself, it is necessary to strictly follow the instructions.

Recipe 1.

One of the easiest ways. It is necessary to take 200 g of dishwashing products (not for dishwashers), 600 ml of water and 100 ml of glycerin (sold on any pharmacy). All ingredients need to mix well. Ready! Glycerin (or sugar) in this composition contributes to the strength of bubbles. By the way, it is impossible to take simple water from under the tap - there will be many salts in it, and it will not affect the quality of the film. Therefore, water is better to boil and give it to cool or use distilled water. Such bubbles will be durable, although not very large.

Recipe 2.

This method is more difficult - it will take more time and will require difficult components. On 600 ml of hot boiled water, you need to take 300 ml of glycerol, 20 drops of ammonia alcohol and 50 g of any detergent (in the form of a powder). All ingredients are mixed and leave it to be broken by two to three days. After that, the solution is carefully filtered and put in the refrigerator for 12 hours. Slightly tiring, but such a product will make durable and large bubbles, just like protruding on the show of soap bubbles of professionals.

How to check the quality of the cooked mixture?

A bubble with a diameter of 30 mm on average should "live" about 30 seconds. If you dip the finger into the soap solution, and then quickly touch them with a soap bubble - and the bubble does not burst - it means that the solution turned out correct.

After the soapy solution is ready, we can only choose a tool for blowing bubbles.

How to blow soap bubbles?

"Classic" among fixtures for blowing bubbles is the straw, such as a cocktail tube. Solominka used 300 years ago - it is her that we see on the picture of the French painter of the XVIII century Jean Batista Sharden (1699-1779) "Soap bubbles" - and continue to use now.

To blow soap bubbles more complicated, for example, according to the "Matryoshki" principle, pour the solution for bubbles into a flat plate with a diameter of about 20 cm. With the help of a straw inflate the bubble so that it "lay" on a plate. You will get a bubble of a hemispherical shape. And now neatly enter the tube inside the bubble and inflate one more, but smaller.

How to prepare a solution for giant (from 1 m in diameter) soap bubbles?

The show with huge, iridescent of all colors of the rainbow, soap bubbles fascinates both adults and children. It is able to decorate and children's holiday, and weddings and give an unforgettable magic atmosphere.

Recipes for large (from 1 m in diameter) bubbles

Recipe number 1.

  • 0.8 l of distilled water,
  • 0.2 liters for washing dishes,
  • 0.1 liters of glycerin,
  • 50 g sugar,
  • 50 g gelatin.

Split gelatin in water, leave for swelling. Then straighten and drain excess water. Melt the gelatin with sugar, without bringing to a boil. Pour the resulting liquid in 8 parts of distilled water, add the remaining ingredients and mix, not foaming (foam - the enemy of soap bubbles!).

Such a solution gives particularly large and durable bubbles, and most importantly - it is absolutely non-toxic, which means it is harmless to you and your child even when contact with the skin.

Recipe number 2.

  • 0, 8 l distilled water,
  • 0.2 l thick dishwashing agents,
  • 0.1 litle of gel lubricant without impurities,
  • 0.1 liters of glycerin.

Mix gel, glycerin and dishwashing agents. Add hot distilled water and mix thoroughly, without creating a foam on the surface. This method will allow you to make the most "live" bubbles that do not burst even in touch with water.

How to make gigantic bubbles?

To blow the giant bubbles, the usual straw is not suitable. Tie a woolen thread to two sticks, such as knitting needles. The resulting design should be dipped into a plate with a soap solution, giving a woolen thread to soak. Further, spreading and shifting the needles, try creating your first soapy creation.

The other is more complicated - the manufacturing method will require step-by-step instructions. You will need 2 sticks, cord that should absorb soap solution, and beads.

Step 1. One end of the lace must be tied to the end of one of the sticks.

Step 2. To retreat 80 cm and put the bead (performs the functions of the load), then tie the cord to another wand.

Step 3. The remaining tip must be tied again to the first node. As a result, the triangle from the cord on chopsticks should be.

To start a bubble, Make a cord into the solution, let it absorb soap, and then pull out, lift it on the elongated hands in front of myself and straighten your sticks. Do not make sharp movements, but also do not tighten the process, since the soap solution can quickly pour into the ground.

* In stores for the show of soap bubbles and large children's stores there are a huge selection of devices for blowing giant soap bubbles - different forms and with different amounts of cells. You will be able to blow one big bubble or swarm of tiny bubbles, which will fly into different sides in an instant.

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