Sinic feeder with dispenser


Writes Summerer:

The dispenser allows you to plug me not too often - once a day. Designed for small birds.

The design of the feeder and the process of its manufacture specially simplified - even a schoolboy can repeat it.

Feeding for blue with dispenser idea, birds, do it yourself

Withstands season 1.

It's cold for a long time ago, but it's better late than ever ...

Materials and tools - everything is simple and understandable. 2-liter box from under the juice. White sheet in the photo - cutting plastic for finishing window slopes. The stick is a stroke of the economic. Wire - any, strong enough and soft (we have a steel, from the store for crafts).

Feeding for blue with dispenser idea, birds, do it yourself

I dwell from the top of the box about 6 cm and cut off the top of the construction knife. There is a wide blade with such a knife, so it is convenient for them to cut without a ruler. Do not be discouraged if it does not work out exactly - this is not necessary.

Feeding for blue with dispenser idea, birds, do it yourself


Windows idea, birds, do it yourself

You can pre-draw a diagonal on the side wall (where the partition will be inside the partition) and retreating about 1 cm from it down the windows. It is necessary so that the windows do not climb the dispenser to the container, otherwise it will be poured with food. Our windows turned out widely - the corner of the feeder between the windows turned out to be fragile and laughed.

The windows are easier to make rectangular. See the top Do not forget to make visors, moving the part of the window outside, then the feeder will be less fuel during thaws. Bottom cut is better to make higher - no less than 2 cm from the bottom of the box.

Feeding for blue with dispenser idea, birds, do it yourself

Inner partition dispenser

Inner partition dispenser idea, birds, do it yourself

This partition is "the main design solution".

It can be made of any material, if only he did not get bombed, did not wet and was smooth enough - they should go on seeds / feed. Last year we did it from the cardboard, wrapped in scotch, nothing, the season was withstanding.

But this time we have a string of plastic for finishing window slopes - from it and do. The partition should be up inside the feeder diagonally. The walls of the box are thin and will bend outward, we take into account this and place the partition slightly wider.

Now the main thing is on the bottom of the partition, it is necessary to make a cut, leaving the legs along the corners.

It is important here not to overdo it with the depth of this cut - if you make it wide, then the whole stock of the seed will quickly eats down, if too narrow, then they will be stuck. Therefore, you can first make a smaller cutout, and after the test, if necessary, to increase - the partition in the finished feeder is not fixed and removed freely.

Feeding for blue with dispenser idea, birds, do it yourself

To the top of the box, retreating 2 cm from the top cut, we attach the rails on which the whole design will be attached, for example, to the railing of the balcony. To do this, try and cut off the rail of the desired size, pierce the seer in the box of 2 pairs of holes on each side, cut off the 8-9 cm of the wire, bending it with the pliers of the letter P, we draw from the inside into the punctured holes, wrap around the rail and twist the pliers. You need to twist more accurate so that the wire goes into the rack, then the rake will not slip away; But not too much, but then the wire is bullied. Wire ends going down.

Feeding for blue with dispenser idea, birds, do it yourself

Feeding for blue with dispenser idea, birds, do it yourself

Feeding for blue with dispenser idea, birds, do it yourself

Feeding for blue with dispenser idea, birds, do it yourself

I turn up the bottom of the box and the same way to secure the rails to which the birds will be sitting. It is important not to make them too long here (the ledge for the edges of the box is no more than 3 cm), otherwise they are sitting on their pigeons.

Feeding for blue with dispenser idea, birds, do it yourself

Feeding for blue with dispenser idea, birds, do it yourself

Insert the partition and, slightly compressing the top of the box, put on the lid. You can pour food and check the operation of the dispenser.

Feeding for blue with dispenser idea, birds, do it yourself

Feeding for blue with dispenser idea, birds, do it yourself

Feeding for blue with dispenser idea, birds, do it yourself

What and how best to fix - decide for yourself. We did so

What and how best to fix - decide for yourself. We made so idea, birds, do it yourself

Feeding for blue with dispenser idea, birds, do it yourself

Feeding for blue with dispenser idea, birds, do it yourself

Everything is simple! Good luck to all!

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